Jonathan Elendu
Some days ago, I wrote about Jonathan Elendu’s. He is a Nigerian blogger who lives in US. He was arrested by the Nigerian State Security Service, SSS and detained for days. Recent news from his family has it that he has been released from SSS custody and is currently undergoing medical treatment.
I wish to use this post to express my gratitude as a Nigerian to all those who contributed to the pressure that led to his release from detention. May the Lord bless you all for adding your voice to cry out for justice for this blogger.
Unfortunately, Mr. Elendu is not yet totally FREE since his traveling documents are yet to be returned to him. He is currently stuck in Nigeria while his wife and child are in US where he reside. Nigerian bloggers at home and abroad have been creating awareness on this issue and have done much to attract the attention of the international community to the plight of Elendu. (more…)