Can someone explain to me why my Google PageRank is dropping, while my search engine traffic is increasing? This situation is quite absurd and ridiculous. I don’t really know whether I should love or hate Google! 🙂

Nigeria Seo
For about three months now, I have been working on building quality backlinks to my site. The result has been a significant improvement in my search engine traffic. Currently, the traffic from the search engines is about 62% of the monthly traffic to Nigerian Entrepreneur. Alexa seems to be happy with me too. I currently rank 71st in Nigeria.
I have worked tirelessly to improve my on-page site optimization and have read widely on the best way to implement SEO (search engine optimization) on a blog without spending a fortune. That has lead to better placement in SERP (search engine result pages).
The result of all the effort has been a steady and consistent flow of traffic from the search engines. Unfortunately, it seems Google is not happy that they have to send visitors my way. Now, my pagerank is being reduced!
When I first had a drop from Google PR4 to PR3 three weeks ago, I didn’t bother because I know that my hosting company changed the server hosting my files. The change resulted in a changed IP address for Nigerian Entrepreneur and to the best of my knowledge, that may have affected the way Google looks at the site.
However, things have since settled down and I was expecting a return to my PR4 with some inner pages having PR2. Well, I got a shock this morning. Nigerian Entrepreneur has been dropped by Google to PR2! To me that is ridiculous. I really wonder what the algorithm robot is using to arrive at such judgment.
I just felt angry, about the whole issue. However, after reading some posts about Google Page Rank dropping, (Some were written as far back as 2006) I decided that I will simply ignore the drop and continue working on writing quality content on my blog and building backlinks. That way, the visitors will keep coming. I really don’t have anything to loose other than the title of Google PR4. If I feel so bad, I may start my own PageRank website and guess what, I will rank myself 10 and rank Big G -10 (just kidding).
Having educated myself with articles written by others, I am just going to relax and continue doing my white hat SEO. The result I’m getting is a better deal than the title anyway. How do you compare a site with PR0 earning 4digit cheques in Google Adsense with a PR7 site that earns nothing but talks about a dying language in my little hometown. For an online entrepreneur seeking to make money online, the PR0 website is much more desirable. By the way, my Google Adsense earnings have been improving too. Thanks to G.
In case you find yourself in a similar situation crying Why is my Google PageRank Dropping? Don’t despair, you may not have done anything wrong (except if you are selling links or your blog has been marked as a linkfarm). If you are being penalize, it will not be a drop, it will be a complete wipe-out. You could be taken from high PR7 to PR0 in one day. If your PR is grayed out, then your website have been blacklisted!
If you have a better thought on why my Google PageRank is dropping, say it in a comment, cheers.