How are you coping with the Global Economic Crunch?
Early this morning, I receive a report on my stocks investment and it shows that my portfolio has lost 75% of the capital invested. I was not surprise about the report, but I was not happy either. Every businessman desires to make profit and increase wealth. Unfortunately, the global economic crisis is making it harder to realize the dream. I often hear some entrepreneurs, both big and small making statements such as “I’m fed up; I think I’m just going to quit”. Well, that is a wrong attitude. I see the present situation as a challenge that needs to be overcome, period. Remember there can be no champion without contest. So, now is actually the best time to show the world the stuff you have inside. This is the best time to become a successful entrepreneur.

Global Economic Crisis
While pondering about the stock report in my head, I decided to continue reading my emails (I’ve abandoned the box for about two days now). Next in line was a newsletter from E-Myth which talks about Reducing Operating Expenses. I was excited because that is part of my organizational goal for the first quarter 2009. So, I was glad to read the newsletter. Well, I did not learn anything new, but I was reminded of some crucial things that every entrepreneur must not forget when attempting to reduce operating expenses.
While reducing operating expenses is a good goal, (more…)