Posts Tagged ‘Entrepreneurship’

What Did Blogging Teach You In 2008?

Wednesday, December 31st, 2008

What did you learn from blogging in the year 2008?

It is the eve of the year 2009 and a ripe time to review the activities carried out in the year 2008. I see people around me taking stock, setting new goals for the new year and drawing up plans on how to do better in the year 2009.

As I go about my own review of how I have spent the year 2008, I realize that blogging as Nigerian Entrepreneur, took a considerable chunk of my time. So, I ended up asking myself the following  questions:

What value did blogging add to my life in the year 2008?

Well, not an easy question to answer, but simply put, I can sincerely say that blogging helped to highlight my personal strengths and weaknesses first as a person and secondly as an online entrepreneur. Some hidden traits were discovered and some real bad habits that I need to get rid-off were brought to the surface.

What have I learned from blogging? (more…)

Starting An Online Business

Thursday, November 20th, 2008
Starting An Online Business

Starting An Online Business

Starting an online business is a lot simpler than starting an offline business. So, if you have been thinking of venturing into entrepreneurship, online business is a good way to test the water and check if thoroughly you are cut-out for the adventure of running a small business.

I have personally observed that almost all the fundamental principles that make for a successful offline small business will still be relevant in your online business. Though, the competition online is much more keen than that you have in your neighbor-hood. You may actually be competing with millions of small entrepreneurs who offer the same product or service that you offer.

This means you really need to establish good business practices and lay a strong foundation that can stand the test of time. Your success online as an entrepreneur will be hinged on your ability to build long-term business relationships with your online customers by providing quality products or services at a price that is considered competitive.

Why Start An Online Business? (more…)

Make Money Online, Promote Local Small Scale Businesses!

Saturday, November 8th, 2008
sucessful online entreprenuer

successful online entrepreneur

Make Money Online, by Promoting Local Small Scale Businesses. You can earn easy money by advertising Small Scale Businesses Online. African Entrepreneurs are not as tech savvy as their counterparts in the developed nations. The only thing some of them know about the internet is that con artists use the internet to defraud people abroad.

In Nigeria an estimated ninety percent or more of small scale businesses conduct their business transactions offline. Searching for their name in Google will produce no result. Many of the Nigerian Entrepreneurs in this category knows next to nothing about the great potential that online advertisement offers.

Hope you are getting the gist. This obvious need for web presence among the local small scale entrepreneurs in Africa is a wonderful opportunity for any online entrepreneur. You can easily package an offer and make presentation to such local entrepreneurs who are only doing their business offline! (more…)

Why Did You Start Your Business?

Saturday, November 1st, 2008

Why did you start your business? What made you choose the entrepreneurial path? I hope your answer is not any of the following:

  • I wanted to be my own boss.
  • I wanted to earn more money.
  • I wanted to be free from the 9a.m to 5p.m daily routine.
  • This business is the most lucrative I could start.
  • I have the technical skill to do the business. etc

Living Fulfilled


A Successful Entrepreneurs MindSet

Friday, August 8th, 2008

I had a session with one of my business mentors. It was not what I expected, but looking back at the session now, I feel happy that I endured the long talk. On my own, I thought I have been doing fine and I was calling for celebration. It was shocking to discover that upon evaluating my progress report, my mentor did not mix words to reprimand me that I was loosing focus! (Can you imagine that, my friends have been congratulating me!)

Business Mentoring

Business Mentoring

He insisted that we go over some of the lectures he had given me before now. I felt stupid, but I could not argue with him. You may wonder why! Simple, that he knows better than me. What is the proof? The results he is having in his entrepreneurship ventures (I crave for the same success he is having). Since I promised to always share with you my success secrets, I will go over the vital points I think you can benefit from.

For those who are in a hurry to go here is the list of the 5 vital points: (more…)