Posts Tagged ‘Blogging’

How I solved my WordPress 2.6.1 Upgrade Error

Thursday, August 28th, 2008

I just realize that a lot of bloggers are still having issues with their upgrade to WordPress 2.6.1. When I upgraded, I had a problem, the upgrade was partially successful. I made a post about it WordPress 2.6.0 to 2.6.1 another upgrade headache .  The effect of that partial success was my inability to edit some of my previous posts. I searched the web and eventually, I a solution.

These are the exact steps I used in resolving the issue:

  1. I made a back-up of my blog (this is very important, you can never tell, better to be careful than sorry)
  2. I downloaded WordPress 2.6.1 unto my desktop and extract the files and folders.
  3. I put the blog into maintenance mode using the maintenance mode plugin.
  4. I used an FTP software to rename my wp-admin folder to wp-admin0 and wp-includes to wp-includes0.
  5. I uploaded wp-admin and wp-includes folders from the WordPress 2.6.1 on my desktop to my site using the FTP software.
  6. I removed the site from maintenance mode. (more…)

Future WordPress Upgrades Will Be Automated!

Wednesday, August 20th, 2008

The WordPress Team has promised that future upgrading of the core files of WordPress will be automated. There will be no need to employ plugins when upgrading from one version of WordPress to a newer version. I take it that it will translate into less upgrade hitches. You can read the article here Features Planned For WordPress 2.7.

Since my last upgrade from WordPress 2.6 to 2.61, my blog has been having hitches. The upgrade was partially successful. Read the post here WordPress 2.6 to 2.6.1 Another Upgrade Headache. Right from the day I upgraded to the new version, I noticed that my blog loading time has dramatically increased and some things are not just working well.  (more…)

Why and How To Cloak Your Affiliate Links

Tuesday, August 19th, 2008

Should I cloak my Affiliate Link? A question that many newbie entrepreneur wants answered. This post examine why and how to cloak your affiliate links.

Affiliate marketing is one of the primary ways that bloggers make money online. If you are not into affiliate marketing, I will encourage you to give it a trial. Irrespective of the number of income streams you already have, an additional money maker is always welcome. My previous post on affiliate marketing may give you additional motivation. Ok, back to the topic, “Why and How To Cloak Your Affiliate Links

4 Reasons why you should cloak your affiliate links

  1. Ugly Urls – I personally hate the way some affiliate links looks gibberish, ugly and pretty long. For me that is enough reason to hide them.
  2. Affiliate Commision Theft – Some bloggers claim they cloak their affiliate links to prevent affiliate commission theft. Well I have not experienced such, but I believe it is a possibility. (more…)

WordPress 2.6.0 to 2.6.1 another Upgrade Headache!

Monday, August 18th, 2008

I love WordPress, not just because it is free (everybody loves freebies, don’t you?), but because it is a great software that produce beautiful websites. However, I gets scared whenever there is need to upgrade to a newer version. I often experience WordPress Upgrade Headache! 

I was complaining that the frequent release of new versions is getting me frustrated. But the tech guys advised that it is for my own good. Well, I have swallowed that, but then the upgrade has never been smooth and it seems the WordPress team are not doing anything about it. I don’t mean to be ungrateful, afterall, I am not paying for their service, but then, there are too many users having problem with upgrading. (more…)

Nigerian Webmasters Embraces Alexa Toolbar

Monday, August 4th, 2008

My blog has been growing in terms of traffic performance, however, I noticed that my Alexa Ranking for Nigerian websites has been dropping! Of course that caught my attention and I started sniffing around to find out what was responsible.

Well, my discovery brought both good news and bad (ok, not so good) news. The good news being that the awareness of the usefulness of the Alexa toolbar among Nigerian webmasters is growing. Before my post on My Alexa Ranking is Getting Me More Traffic, some fellow Nigerian webmasters were not aware of the usefulness of the Alexa Toolbar and therefore did not bother installing it.  Well, now that they have started installing it, I am no longer a local champion 😉 (more…)