Archive for the ‘small business’ Category

Earning Employees’ Loyalty

Tuesday, March 2nd, 2010

Earning Employees’ Loyalty

Why are employees referred to by companies as being the greatest asset? The answer is simple, machines, equipment, tools etc no matter how automated they are still need human beings to operate them. A seasoned human resources manager understands that the success of the company is dependent more on the loyalty of the workforce to the vision of the company. One of my colleagues who will fondly call Bossman, gave me a write-up he photocopied from a Nigerian daily. After reading it, I was prompted to write this article, Earning Employees’ Loyalty.

A business survival is dependent on getting customers who will patronize her goods or services. Growth is dependent on how loyal the customers become to the product or service of the company. Getting the right customer is a critical step in building a loyalty based business system, but it is only the first critical step. Once a company has loyal customers and it begins to enjoy steady supply of revenue, it is time to put a strategy in place to re-invest a good portion of the surplus to getting and retaining loyal employees.

Just as it takes quite some effort to build personal relationship with customers, so also it takes effort to build relationship with employees. Loyal employees have greater potential to learn and increase job performance.

Why Earn Employees’ Loyalty

Loyal employee will save you money. They save you money by reducing recruiting and induction costs. That money can then be use for some other productive ventures.

Seasoned Human Resource Managers do not like high rate of employee turnover because it is counter productive. It is not just about the financial cost of induction and training, but the distruption that constant changing in the workforce can have on the growth of the organization.

Even though some organizations claim that people are their greates asset, few actually act it. It is important not just to know the cost of your employee, overhead cost, but also the worth of your employee, their potential, the value they add to the organization.

As an entrepreneur going places, your business must learn to attract the best possible employees, hold the employees, recognize them, motivate and reward them.

Earning Employees’ Loyalty Requires Planning

You can’t earn employee loyalty just by sitting back and wishing it will happen. You must have the right mindset about the value of employee. You must define in definite terms what you consider as loyalty. Then you need to put in place strategies, tactics, practices and policies that will enhance measurement of employee performance and degree of loyalty to the organization. All these require effort and determination. If you don’t have a good Human Resource Manager, you may need to outsource to a competent Human Resource consultant.

The right place to start is during recruitment. Ensure that you recruit peole who share the organizations philosophy. Employees who personal goals and visions are in agreement with the vision of your business. Never recruit base on cost or professional competence alone. A happy employee will always be more committed and loyal than one that hates the job he/she is doing.

Treating people fairly should be the hallmark of your corporate loyalty system. If you follow the Golden Rule: Treat Your Employee The Way You Would Like To Be Treated. Let your fairness extends to employee compensation. Never feel that extra compensation to employee is undue overhead burden on the business. Look at your workforce as your partners in progress. Align Employees interest with that of the business and strike a balance that will be win-win for both the business and the employee. If you consciously work on strategies to ensure that employees earn more compensation, they will get committed to the business.

Finally, ensure that your compensation system is not lopsided in favor of the executives only. Your compensation plan should be fair ensuring that non-executive employee get adequate compensation. Nothing wanes employees’ loyalty like the feeling that your business is operating like the Animal Farm. A situation where some employee are considered and treated as being more important than the others. Let the process of career growth be plain for all to see and understand. Promotion should be based on merit and performance not personal sentiments.

Just as customers’ loyalty will keep your business revenue flowing, so also employees’ loyalty will keep the engine room of your business working smoothly and at lower maintenance cost. Even if you forget all that have been said in this article, Earning Employees’ Loyalty, don’t forget the Golden Rule – Treat your employees the way you will like to be treated.

Online Business

Tuesday, January 26th, 2010

Online Business

Have you started your own online business? Do you have a website? Are you online? Are you making money online? Those are common topics for discussion these days. Internet services are fast becoming available everywhere. Gone are the days when you must visit a cybercafé before you can get online. This days, you can hook-up to the internet using mobile phones even if you’re living in a village where electricity is a luxury.

The information technology improvement has created an exciting frontier that is abundant with business opportunities. It is an established fact that people in this present generation now communicate more using the internet than they do using any other media. So, why not exploit the same for business ventures? That is what this post is looking at.

What is Online Business?

Are you kidding me? You want a definition of Online Business! Well, since you asked, my definition of online business is “An Online Business is any legitimate activity carried out on the internet (world wide web) that generates profit after all expenses has been fully paid for”. Please note the following:

  • If it is not a legitimate online activity, then it can’t be called online business. It is better referred to as scam!
  • If it doesn’t generate income that is more than the expenditures incurred in carrying out the activity, then it can’t be called online business. It is better referred to as hobby!

I believe that definition is simple enough for our purpose. Let’s get to the next issue.

Who can do Online Business?

Anyone who has enough determination can venture into online business. There are myriad of online business opportunities that are waiting to be explored. You don’t have to be a computer guru. As long as you can read and move a mouse or any other pointing device, then you can learn to do business online. Even if you lack those basic abilities or you are unwilling to get involved, you can learn to outsource many of the tasks you don’t like to others who are willing to do such at a fee. In other words, you can actually run your online business without engaging a computer physically. The possibilities are endless.

What do I need to start Online Business?

Well, the minimum requirement is a link or connection to the internet. For you to do business online, you must go online. That is the only requirement that cannot be bypassed. Once you get online via an internet connection, either with a computer or a smartphone, then you’re ready for online business. The fact that you’re reading this shows that you know how to get online, except if you got a printed copy of this article.

The subsequent requirements will depend on the type of online business you wish to do. There are some online businesses that requires huge amount of money to start while some other ones require zero capital. I will give two examples to buttress this point.

  1. You can sell other peoples product or service. There are different methods of doing this. However, many of the methods allow you to start operating with zero capital. You can setup a free website, write your own articles or get free articles from article directory to promote the product or service you want to sell. The last step will be to work on generating web traffic for the new site.
  2. Bulk SMS reselling. To start this business, you must buy an SMS package from a major SMS reseller and then sell to individuals or corporate entities that need the service.

As you can see, it is possible to start the first idea without spending a dime, but the second business idea requires at least about $20 as kick-off capital.

How can a Nigerian run a successful Online Business with the poor social infrastructures?

Too many never get to start because they are waiting for a perfect business environment before they start. The truth is you can start making money online even with the poor social infrastructures that we have in Nigeria. I started browsing when it cost N20/minutes to work online. Today, you can go online for less than N1/minute in some cybercafé. If you’re are really determined, you can make it. Instead of wasting your time chatting with strangers on Yahoo, you can start your online business by building a blog.

Is Online Business Risky?

Well, life itself is full of risks. It is a risk to wake-up in the morning and step outside your home. So, the answer is yes. Online business has risks. However, the risks are such that an average Nigerian can handle. You will only get into a mess by engaging in either of the following:

1. Engaging in illegal activities online because you want to get rich overnight. Gone are the days when online activities can be carried out anonymously. EFCC and other agencies are on the lookout for those that use internet to commit financial crimes.

2. Parting with cash in a hurry without learning how things work online. Too many Nigerians have fallen victim to fraudsters who sell all manner of automated junks that they claim are capable of making you rich while you do nothing.

My suggestion to you is that you start with free resources. When you have learnt how things work, and you have practice with free resources, then you can start spending your hard earned cash for resources you feel will enhance your online business. Take it from me, online business requires patience. You can’t make it big online in a hurry. You will simply get your pocket burnt by falling victim to scammers.

So quit talking and get into action. Start your own online business today. Cheers.

Thinking About Business In 2009

Thursday, December 31st, 2009

Just Thinking About Business in 2009. The year 2009 is almost over. Less than 24hours to go. Looking back, one will ordinarily exclaim what a year! There were so many dashed business hopes and unfulfilled dreams. However, amidst the economic crisis and financial troubles in Nigeria (and really in many parts of the world), some entrepreneur learned lessons that will eventually yield them good dividend in years to come.

I had my business dreams and goals for the year 2009. About half of them suffered as a result of harsh economic environment. However, instead of getting depressed and feeling gloomy, I’m all excited because I learnt some valuable lessons which I wouldn’t have learnt if there were no economic challenges facing Nigeria.

It is true that we all often underestimate what we are capable of achieving. The truth often comes out when there is intense pressure and the survival instinct buried deep down within jumps into action. Even though I lost some business deals and made some losses this year, I can proudly say that I’m ending the year better than I started. The crisis that hit the Nigerian stock exchange market affected my asset and cashflow negatively. It was a financial disaster I won’t forget so soon. However, in the bid to recover from the adverse effect, I discovered some other opportunities of making passive income which I never considered before. So, I can actually say that it wasn’t altogether a bad year. Something good came out of the financial crisis.

My balance sheet may not show a fantastic result by the close of business today, but then, intangible assets are never easy to measure. And that is the area I have sown seriously waiting for a bountiful harvest in years to come.
Also, I have invested heavily in self development. I’ve come to understand that what makes an entrepreneur successful is more about who he/she is not what he/she has locked up in a bank or possess as physical assets.
So, my conclusion is that the year 2009 has been a wonderful year for the Nigerian Entrepreneur. How has it been with you? I wish you a prosperous year 2010 😉

Managing Your Business Overhead Cost

Thursday, December 17th, 2009

How To Cut Down Your Business Overhead Cost

Managing business overhead cost can be critical for the continued growth or survival of your business. Of recent, I observed that many large corporations and even small scale businesses are struggling to reduce their overall operating cost or overhead by laying off staff en-mass. To me that is not the right way to go. Using your employee as the sacrificial lamb to combat the present economic depression may actually get you into more trouble. When you lay off employees because you want to reduce business overhead expenses, you are actually sending a wrong signal to the rest of the workers and possibly your clients. There are better ways to reduce business overhead cost and avoid wastage. I’ll share some tips with you.

Get Your Employee Involved in Managing Overhead

The very first step I recommend is that of convening a meeting with your key employees in attendance. Explain to them what you want to achieve and how critical it is to the survival of the business and the well-being of the entire workforce. You will be surprised at the kind of suggestion such brainstorming session will produce. People will be eager to make suggestions and may even volunteer to take some sacrificial steps which they would have resisted if suggested by you. Find below some suggestions I got from such a session.

Cut Communication Cost

I was surprised when a staff analysed the unnecessary waste been made in the name of communication. He explained that often times, it is cheaper and more effective sending a message via SMS instead of making an official call. Have you taking time to analyse how much you spend on communication and see if it is justified. Nigerians are known for wasting money on communication due to our culture that demands that you show courtesy by exchanging greeting or pleasantries before stating the matter that warranted the call. SMS helps in reducing such waste.

If you have a message that needs to be detailed and is quite long, then use e-mail. It is cheap and more effective than verbal conversation when passing technical information. If you need to get feedback as you communicate, then you can employ the use of instant messenger e.g. Yahoo Messenger. This is very cheap and as effective a phone call. If you are not comfortable typing, you can make a PC to PC call using SKPE or a similar online facility.

Cut Energy Costs

How much do you spend on energy (electricity)? With the epileptic power supply in Nigeria, the cost of running petrol or diesel generator is a major headache to many entrepreneurs. Even though this cost cannot be totally eliminated, the truth is that it is a major avenue for waste. The fuel bill is killing several small businesses as they are operating at a loss. You should take time to check your cost in this area and look for ways of reducing the cost. Also look for ways of plugging loopholes for fraudulent practices by dishonest staff and fuel suppliers. From experience, I have discovered that often time, staff in charge of generators connives with fuel suppliers to defraud businessmen. Put measure in place to ensure that you get the quantity you paid for and it is not being stolen after delivery.

Better Inventory Management

Carrying large inventory can place undue burden on your business as you are forced to pay for space and security of such. On the other hand, not having sufficient inventory to meet client’s request can send potential business to your competitors. So, there is need to get creative and balance the act of inventory management such that you don’t incur unnecessary cost as you overstock or lose business deals because you run out of stock.

Cut Down on Office Stationery Expenses

Office Stationery cost  can be a silent waster for your business. The tradition of making photocopies of every document tagged “important” for distribution to different department has to be stopped. Instead of making photocopies and sending a physical memo, it is cheaper and neater making scanned copy of such documents and sending it via email to the various people. This will cut down considerably the fund being wasted on Photocopying papers, box files, filing cabinets etc. E-paper is a good cure for stationery wastage.

Watch Your CashFlow – Borrowed Fund Is Expensive

Your cashflow is crucial at this period. Gone are the days that poor cashflow management can easily be covered up by taking overdraft from your banker. Since the financial institutions are having the searchlight on them, they have become very shrewd and cautious in lending these days. A banker told me of recent that her bank cannot give out any credit facility until further notice. So, if you mismanage your cashflow and get fund tied down unnecessarily, you will be forced to borrow at a high interest rate in other to conduct your day to day business transactions. That will negatively impact on your business as you will be loosing much of your profit to your banker via interest payment.

Review Your Marketing Expenses

Having large budget for traditional means of advertisement may make you look big for a while, but it can also send you out of business. Believe it or not, the internet have a greater coverage and is cheaper for advertising your business even at the local level. Gone are the days when people spend hours listening to radio or watching local Television. So many spend hours working or getting entertained online. So it is time you start considering changing your marketing approach.

Manage your tax using a professional

After doing all the above, you will still loose much if you don’t get good tax advice. So many Nigerian entrepreneurs who have been ignoring tax are now waking up to the rude shock that they are heavily indebted to the Federal or State governments. Gone are the days when government doesn’t bother to check if small scale businesses are paying their taxes or not. With the present economic crisis, state governments are employing the services of TAX consultants to ensure effective tax collection. A look at the Nigerian tax laws shows that a businessperson who is not properly advised can loose much of his/her income to double taxation. So, it is advisable that you get a professional tax consultant or accountant to give you advice and help prepare your tax returns. Don’t wait until FIRS or the state tax man comes after you. It can be disastrous.

Well that’s my little advice for you. Instead of using your employees as the sacrificial lamb, get them involved in reducing your business overhead cost. That way it will be a win-win situation and your business will be better off. See you at the top. Cheers.

5 Tips For Business Growth

Wednesday, November 4th, 2009

How Can I Achieve Steady Business Growth?

Sustaining business growth in a down economy is not a simple feat to achieve. But believe it or not, that is exactly what some businessmen in Nigeria are doing. While some Nigerian businessmen are busy lamenting the poor manner the government is handling the current economic crisis (they do have a valid point though), some wise entrepreneurs are making steady business progress and getting fantastic returns on their various investment in the different sector sof the economy.

Truly, one man’s misfortune can be another’s fortune. If you doubt ask the undertaker, the more people die as a result of epidemic or natural disaster, the more his business booms. So, it is actually possible to be celebrating while others are lamenting, it simply depends on where you position yourself.

Every entrepreneur desire that his or her business should grow. Nobody wants to have the same turnover at the end of each financial year. However, just like most things in life, it is not about wishing for result, it is about taking the right steps to achieve the desired result. So how can an entrepreneur sustain business growth during an economic crisis? I’ll share with you five proven tips for steady business growth.

5 Proven Tips For Business Growth

1. Keep Your Current Customers Happy – A bird in hand is worth more than 1million that you are dreaming of getting with your marketing gimmicks. Keep your current customers. Do everything feasible to keep them happy and loyal to you. Don’t neglect complains or ignore their suggestion. If you’ve not been doing that, it is time to overhaul your customer care service such that it truly portray that you believe that the customer is king.

Get creative and devise ways to make it seem difficult and uneconomical for your customers to switch to  your competitors. Add value to your products and services at no extra cost to your customers. Some of those addons can actually be done without you eating into your profit. It just require a little brainstorming with your team to bring out ideas you never thought possible.

Give personalized services to each customer making him or her feel that he or she is the most important client you’ve got. Everyone appreciate being treated as a VIP. Give your customers that special touch of royalty. It won’t cost a dime to insist that your staff should treat each customer like a king. Just remind your team that it is the customer that pays the bills.

2. Increase Your Market Share –  There is an adage that the best form of defense is attack. Go after the customers of your competitors. Woo them with better offers and customized packages. Give them sufficient reason to consider ditching your rival and pitching their tent with you.

It is business war out there, so map out strategies on how you will gain more market share at the expense of your competitors. Go brainstorming with your team on how to provide higher quality product/service at the same price or lower than your competitors.

Don’t say it can’t be done. Keep working at it and soon, you and your team will figure a way out. Then you can go full swing into raiding your competitors of their loyal customers. Be tactical though, especially when dealing with competitors that have financial muscle.  If they get wind of your strategy, they may launch a counter-attack that you are not prepared for.

3. Be Proactive, Keep Current on Market Events –  Knowledge is power. It is your business to know what is happening and what is likely to happen soon in the market you belong. You need to keep tap on developments in the market that can affect your position.

Your ability to spot opportunities before competitors will give you an added advantage. Don’t wait until the news is spread on the print or electronic media before taking action. Successful businessmen sniff out information before it is made public. You need to watch industry shifts, changes in buying trends, seasonal changes, technological changes etc. The world is dynamic, what worked yesterday, may be obsolete today, so keep yourself up to date on market trends.

4. Strive to Enter New Markets – Don’t be a local champion in your present market. Look for opportunity to make profitable entry into other markets. Study markets that have potential for your business and plan how you will enter without loosing money to fierce competition in such market. Identify areas where you have an advantage over an existing competitor and ensure you can match the standards of quality and value being provided.

5. Diversify Your Business – Never put all your egg in one basket. Study businesses that are related to yours. Plan on diversifying into some of the simple ones such that you are not tied to a particular channel of income. Dangote Group is a good example of a Nigerian Business that has diversified successfully.

Business Growth don’t just happen. Successful Businessmen set goals, plan and work towards realizing their dream of steady business growth. If you don’t work it out, it won’t happen by accident. So, quit complaining and whining about the poor state of the nation’s economy. It is time to take advantage of the opportunities that have been made available by the economic crises. If you’re determined to experience Business Growth, nobody can stop you, because nobody have a blueprint for stopping you. Cheers 😉