Archive for the ‘Ramblings’ Category

Celebrating Nigeria Golden Jubilee

Friday, October 1st, 2010

Nigerians Celebrate 50th Independence Anniversary

Hurray! Nigeria as a nation is 50years old today 😉 I wasn’t around when Nigeria got her independent from Great Britain. However, I learn from my parents that it was such a joyful moment. All the various tribes that makes up Nigeria rolled out their drums and celebrated the occasion in colorful styles.

Nigeria At 50

Nigeria At 50

Well, fifty years after, some around me feel there is no reason to celebrate, but I beg to differ. I believe in what a song writer said that we should count our blessings and name them one by one, it will indeed surprise us what the Lord has done. We must not only take account of the problems and crisis that have almost destroyed us as a nation, we should at least appreciate the mercies of God that we have enjoyed time and time again.

I know that Nigeria as a nation has a lorry load of challenges and some of it are quite great. However, the singular fact that the Nation is still existing despite all the damage done to her socially, politically and economically by the black sheep among us is enough for me to thank God.

It is only here that I can claim to be a citizen without paper. This is my home and the home of my children. In every other places we go, we are still strangers irrespective of how well we behave. So I am still proudly Nigerian. I am grateful to God Almighty who has sustained the fragile peace existing in this nation and has not allow us to experience another civil war. Nigerian Entrepreneurs need to thank God because it is only when there is peace that enterprises thrives.  A warring nation is no place to do business.

Proudly Nigerian

Proudly Nigerian

Nigeria Shall Be Great Again!

While other are expecting the doom of Nigeria, I choose to join those praying for the success of this nation. I believe that Nigeria will become great again. I believe that the broken walls of relationship between the various tribes will be rebuilt. We will co-exist in unity under God fearing leaders who are ready to serve.

I believe that the Lord God Almighty will smile on us and give us trustworthy leader who are ready to rebuild the ruins of our social infrastructures. Nigeria shall be great again. If you believe Nigeria shall be great again, join me and my family as we celebrate the 50th Anniversary of Nigeria’s independence. Cheers!

New Premium WordPress Theme For Nigerian Entrepreneur

Thursday, May 20th, 2010

Irrespective of what people may say, the truth remains that the design and layout of a blog matters. Right from the launch of this blog, I’ve always try to use a blog design that will present my content in a simple but professional way. That has been my reason for always wanting to use a premium wordpress theme. Since premium wordpress themes are usually commercial, only few are truly free premium themes, it then means I can’t change the blog theme as often as I like.

Thrilling WordPress ThemeYou may be wondering why I can’t just save myself the whole stress and pay something like $50 to get a premium wordpress theme installed. Well, I’ve always tried to use free resources for this website (except in a situation whereby it is not possilbe to do so). Since the blog is an attempt to prove to would be Nigerian online entreprenuers that they can replicate the success of this blog, it then means that I need to go about things using a shoe string budget as much as feasible.

For those of you that have been a fan of this blog for some years now, you will notice that it’s been over a year since I changed the theme of Nigerian Entrepreneur. After several months of procastinating because I consider the task of tweaking a free premium wordpress theme and getting the layout right a task I will rather not do. (I actually prefer blogging to having to tweak codes, html, css, etc.Like I said earlier, if I were to have my way, I would simply have outsourced the design of the blog).

Well, I finally gave in yesterday and introduced a new look using the premium theme Thrilling Theme from The theme has a beautiful design and simple layout. Guess what, I actually got a copy of the theme in 2009, but I was afraid of the tweaks I will need to make to get the layout right. So, I kept prostponing switching from my former wordpress theme, Revolution Code Blue to Thrilling Theme.

I felt is was time to change the look of Nigerian Entrepreneur since over a month ago. However, I was not confident enough to switch to te new theme then because when I previewed it, there were several things that were broken. I simply told myself that when I’m less busy, I will do the change so that I will be ready to correct anything that gets broekn. Well, I never get the break until yesterday I when I simply told myself, that a better time may never come. It is better to switch and then start fixing whatever is broken one step at a time until it is all fixed.Just like there will never be a better time for you to start that small scale business you’ve been dreaming of. You just have to take the first step instead of allowing your fear to cage you and keep you incapacitated.

Well, I finally got over my fear and activated the theme yesterday. Since then, I’ve been under the hood tweaking codes and getting rid of some widgets in other to get the layout that I desire. After 24hours, I’m yet to get a perfect layout like I desire. But I fell better now that I have taking the first step of changing the theme. Nigerian Entrepreneur now have a new look. Apologies to my fans that visited when all the layout were heavily in disarray. Things are begining to take shape now.

I will love to hear your views about the new look and how easy it is to get at the information you need. Your suggestion will assist me in making corrections where I need to. Much more I wish to use this opportunity to thank you all for your comments. That is my greatest motivation. You are the reason why I still blog even when I don’t feel like. I guess that is enough rambling about the change I just made.

If you love the new theme, please say so in the comments. If you have an objection, feel free to express your thought. Like I mentioned earlier, the theme is a free premium wordpress theme. It has options that you can easily tweak from the admin dashboard. Also, you can do whatever you wish with the theme because it is  open source! For your copy, visit Cheers.

I Wish You A Merry Christmas

Friday, December 25th, 2009

Merry Christmas to You!

Whao! Today is Christmas 😉 and I’m all excited. Even though today is just like any other day, the fact that people all over the world are remembering the Birth of Jesus makes the day special. Jesus Christ is the reason for this season. I hope you have room for Him in your heart. There couldn’t have been a Christmas if there was no CHRIST! Never mind all the arguments that surround the date. What I consider important is how I spend the day.

Merry Christmas

It is possible to spend the day making positive impact on the lives of others through acts of kindness. On the other hand, it is also possible to make negative impacts on others lives by being irresponsible in your actions. I for one belief in spending the day sharing the love of Jesus Christ with people in rural areas. The Lord Jesus Christ has been so good to me and my family, the least I can do is to tell others about His loving kindness. So I won’t be at home for Christmas, instead I will be camping with other Christians in a village. We plan to spend four days in the village sharing the love of Christ with the locals. I’ve participated in such camping in time past. Beside the spiritual benefit it offers, it also have other benefits too. For example, it is usually a great relief leaving the hustling and bustling activities of the city for an environment that is close to nature and devoid of artificial distractions.

I guess someone may be thinking it is odd to spend Christmas away from the family. Well, it is base on mutual agreement. The children have already gone for a Christmas Camp Meeting for Children and Teenagers. The preparation for the meeting was quite elaborate and I was hinted from a reliable source that they are going to have a swell time at the camp. It wasn’t easy letting go, but then, since my better half will be with them, I had nothing to worry about.

The entire family will be reuniting on Sunday and there will be lots of stories to tell. I’m looking forward to an exciting time as I relate my experience and listen to the children tell theirs. How do you plan to spend your Christmas? Once again, I wish you a Merry Christmas 😉

Good People, Great Nation

Wednesday, March 18th, 2009

Nigeria: Good People, Great Nation

Ok, Nigeria is Re-branded, what next? Yesterday in Abuja, President Umaru Yar’Adua unveiled and launched the logo and slogan of the New Nigeria. The slogan is “Nigeria: Good People, Great Nation” while the logo is simply the word Nigeria with two letters modified. The first “i” is replaced with a tick having a dot on top of it and the last “i” has a small map of Nigeria in place of the usual dot.

Nigeria Good People Great Country

Nigeria Good People Great Country


Happy New Year!!! 2009

Thursday, January 1st, 2009

Happy new year! Welcome to a brand new year, 2009. Welcome to a fresh year of business opportunities. This year holds great potential for every diserning entrepreneur.

Each of us are presented a unique opportunity to build on our previous successes and correct past mistakes. All it takes is the right attitude and frame of mind. Believe that you can achieve success this year in your private life and in your business ventures. Work with a fresh enthusiasm and your dream will become a reality that will make people marvel.

Remember that as at this time last year (1st Jan. 2008), Barak Obama only had a dream about the US presidency. But today he has the people’s mandate because he believed his dream and worked for its fulfilment..

See you at the top! Cheers 😉