Archive for the ‘Nigerian’ Category

Nigerian Movies

Wednesday, February 4th, 2009

Do you watch Nigerian Movies?

I mean the Naija home videos. It is interesting to note that it is now possible to watch some Nigerian movies online. Some websites have uploaded some of the old Nigerian movies as streaming video on their websites. I made an attempt to watch one of the movies, but my connection was too slow. Well that is not the point I intend to make. I’m worried about the entrepreneurs operating in Nollywood!

My concern for writing this article is that, uploading an entire Nigerian home video on a website may have an adverse effect on the income of the producers and marketers of such Nigerian movie. The Nollywood artists have been fighting pirates and have consistently insisted that anyone that wants to watch Nigerian movies must be ready to pay for a copy of the Tape, VCD or DVD. They didn’t even like the idea of Rental Clubs even though they eventually agree to license some video clubs (I guess they had to settle for a compromise, because they couldn’t win that battle).

The Nollywood entrepreneurs, would have achieve better success if the factions that made up the industries have come together to fight as one united force. Forming clichés of smaller association such as different artists/practitioner and marketer associations for Nigerian Yoruba Movies, Nigerian Igbo Movies, Nigerian Christian Movies etc has not helped in any way.

I guess many of them in their small associations are not yet aware of the danger of loss awaiting them as internet connection becomes cheaper and affordable to more households in Nigeria. I’m just wondering what their reaction will be towards those websites offering Free Nigerian Movies. Do the Nollywood directors and artists have the capacity to fight such webmasters?

The internet community loves free stuff, but piracy kills business. When the effort of an entrepreneur is not rewarded, then there will be no motivation to continue the enterprise. If websites offering free Nigerian movies online continue to multiply and ISP improve their services, such that the internet users in Nigeria start enjoying true Broadband Internet connection, then the entrepreneurs operating in the Nigerian movie industry will lose much of their income.

I am of the opinion that now is the time for them to start the framework of safeguarding their investments and income. They need to appeal to the government to enact laws that will control the distribution of copyright ed movies on the internet. I know some will argue that even Hollywood has not succeeded in the fight against movie piracy, well, they may not have totally succeeded, but they have reduce the rate at which copyrighted movies are distributed on the internet. No well established website will offer a full streaming version of a copyrighted movie from Hollywood.

What is your thought on this? I will love to know in a comment. Thanks for visiting. You can get future update to this post Nigerian Movies by subscribing to Nigerian Entrepreneur RSS feed.

Traders Criticize Demolition Of Oshodi Market

Thursday, January 8th, 2009

Retail Traders Decry Demolition of Oshodi Market

Several Small Retail Traders in Lagos, who operates their businesses in the popular Oshodi Market, returned from the holidays to face their worst nightmare in the New Year 2009. They have been rendered jobless! I guess they never imagined that the Lagos State Government will demolish their places of businesses without providing alternative location. Well, that is what the Lagos State Government did on the 4th of January, 2009.


Oshodi Market Nigeria

Government and Elites Argument In Favor of Market Demolition

Governor Fashola wants to transform Lagos from a “garbage and lawless” city to (more…)

Small Business Owners Count Losses

Friday, November 28th, 2008

Small business owners in Port Harcourt are counting their losses in millions of  Nigerian Naira as government bulldozer brings down their offices and shops. The government of Rivers State of recent decided to give Port Harcourt which is the capital of Rivers State, Nigeria a face lift. The new executive governor is desirous of re-modeling the city after the Federal Capital Territory. This sounds like a good vision, but tI am of the opinion that the implementation is faulty.

Small Business Owners Contribute to Economy Growth

A greater percentage of the population of Port Harcourt relies on petty trading and provision of artisan services to earn income. In Port Harcourt, any entrepreneur who employs and pays two or more workers is considered a “big businessman”. The business climate is quite harsh. Too many big enterprises in the state are struggling to earn enough income to pay their workers salaries. It is common story to hear workers of such establishments lamenting that they have not received any salary for months. (more…)

Create Wealth From Real Assets Not Accounting Entries!

Wednesday, November 5th, 2008

Does your business create true wealth by building assets and adding real value to the society? Does your business create wealth from accounting entries? What really does your business contribute to the society? Please do not get me wrong. Services such as medical practice is considered as real value adding products in the context of this article. However, some activities adds nothing and yet they “demand” the lion share of the cake!

Accounting Entries

Accounting Entries

I just read an article written by PACE. It was a good read as it provoked me into deep thought about the activities of several business enterprises in Nigeria. I encourage you to read the article, Burble Burst or Wealth Re-distribution?

For some years now, the agricultural, manufacturing and other sectors in Nigeria have been struggling to survive due to poor infrastructures and other challenges that are almost insurmountable. Funny enough, the financial sector, especially the banking sector has been declaring astronomical figures as turnover and profits at the end of each financial year. (more…)


Friday, October 31st, 2008
Jonathan Elendu

Jonathan Elendu

Some days ago, I wrote about Jonathan Elendu’s. He is a Nigerian blogger who lives in US. He was arrested by the Nigerian State Security Service, SSS and detained for days. Recent news from his family has it that he has been released from SSS custody and is currently undergoing medical treatment.

I wish to use this post to express my gratitude as a Nigerian to all those who contributed to the pressure that led to his release from detention. May the Lord bless you all for adding your voice to cry out for justice for this blogger.

Unfortunately, Mr. Elendu is not yet totally FREE since his traveling documents are yet to be returned to him. He is currently stuck in Nigeria while his wife and child are in US where he reside. Nigerian bloggers at home and abroad have been creating awareness on this issue and have done much to attract the attention of the international community to the plight of Elendu. (more…)