Archive for the ‘Entrepreneur’ Category

Bulk SMS Resellers Price War

Friday, November 5th, 2010

Nigerian Bulk SMS Reseller Price War

Bulk Sms Reselling

Bulk Sms

Buy Bulk SMS for as low as N1.xx…. I guess that is the latest catchy phrase in Nigeria. It is quite interesting that many Bulk SMS resellers are trying to woo Nigerian consumers via rock bottom pricing. There is a serious price war going on now as they try to outdo each other by offering rock bottom price for their bulk sms services. I guess if it were possible, some will even offer free SMS just to snatch customers from their competitors. Well, that strategy is not working for now. At least, it has not made me change from my present service provider. Honestly speaking, if someone somewhere think this is the way to do bulk sms reselling business, they better have a rethink. Nigerian consumers are not fools!

Price is Not Everything

Of what benefit is a service that is cheap but inefficient? It is economically unwise to spend money on a service simply because it appears cheap! If the service can’t produce the expected result, then it is money wasted irrespective of how cheap it is. Why should I buy SMS at the rate of N1.00 only to discover that messages sent are never delivered to the intended recipients or it gets delivered when it is no longer relevant. Someone sent an SMS that is meant to wish a loyal client happy birthday but delivery of the message was delayed until 2days after the birthday! I’ll say that is a crappy service, irrespective of how cheap the service was. I’ll rather pay double to get the message delivered at the right time.

So many Bulk SMS resellers are not getting their acts well. You must not be the cheapest in the market to be the most patronized. There are other qualities that can make you stand out in the crowd. My bulk sms service provider is not the cheapest, but they know how to deliver quality services. 😉

Rolls Royce Is Not Cheap

Just think about Rolls Royce. Rolls Royce manufacturing team are not trying to increase or maintain their market share by reducing their price to compete with the likes of Nissan. Instead, they strive to improve on the performance of their model and the luxury it affords the buyers. Irrespective of how low another car manufacturer may place their price, lovers of Rolls Royce won’t be wooed!

Rolls Royce High Quality

Rolls Royce High Quality

Nigerian Consumers are wise

As an entrepreneur, you need to do proper homework before using low price as a bait to increase your market share. If your service is poor and your customer support service  is non-existent or inefficient, then lowering your price will do no good. You should focus your attention first on improving your service before inviting more clients to try your service.

Bulk SMS resellers compete in an international market

Price war gimmick is a common strategy of the Nigerian  gsm telecom operators. Nigerian consumers no that the price war is just a gimmick because it is always accompanied by crappy services. The fact that the gsm operators seem to be getting away with this doesn’t mean the consumers are fools. So never conclude that the same trick will work for bulk sms resellers. Unlike gsm telecom operators who have the advantage of operating in a closed local market, bulk sms resellers are actually operating in a highly competitive international market.

So my advice to all those wannabe Bulk SMS resellers out there is that they go improve on their services . You will only be relevant in the market by offering quality service. Nigerians online won’t mind patronizing a bulk sms reseller who operates from the moon as long as the service is reliable. Even though I am proudly Nigerian, I don’t subscribe to crappy services. The bulk sms price war strategy is not working, think of something else. Cheers.

If Nigeria Is A Business

Thursday, September 23rd, 2010

If Nigeria is a business venture, how will we go about appointing the next Managing Director or President? Let’s take the position of the shareholders or stakeholders.  What are those qualities we will be looking out for in the candidates contesting for the position? Will our choice of the next Managing Director be based on ethnic affiliation or race? Will it be based on the ability of the candidate to fulfill our dreams as shareholders or stakeholders?

These and many more questions are bothering me as I watch our politicians playing the old game all over again. Unfortunately the society is not doing much to help. Is this not the right time to take up our pen and make our voices heard? Is this not the best time to scrutinize the motives of those aspiring to become the next president of our great nation. I think every Nigerian blogger should make a post about the current events unfolding in the political arena. Never mind if you are not interested in politics. I don’t like talking about politics or politicians. However, I have a dream that Nigeria will be great!

In other countries, would be presidential candidates reel out the goals they intend to achieve if they are giving the opportunity. They go to a great extent to convince the populace that they can provide succour to the suffering masses. They present policies that they believe will go a long way to move the economy forward. The electorate are practically wooed like a bride-to-be in other to get their votes.

Unfortunately, that is not what I’m seeing. Nigeria is almost 50, yet we seem to have learned nothing from our past mistakes! How come those that were instrumental to the destruction of our social and economic life are the one aspiring to govern. Why can’t we have a change of the old guard? Are there no successful men and women who have made significant impact in their various industry who can take up the mantle of leadership and lead Nigeria out of the woods? How come those that ought to be thinking of retiring are the ones dictating who should be our next ruler!

My humble expectation is that by now, someone will come out to convince the electorate how he or she (I won’t really mind a female president) will solve the problem of the infrastructural decay that is sending us bankrupt as a nation. I thought someone will give us a promise on solving our energy crisis once and for all. Won’t it be wonderful if the educational sector will be restored to its former glory when citizens of other nations come to Nigerian Universities to study.

Unfortunately, all I hear about is Zoning Formula. North and South gentleman agreement! Ethnic and religious affiliation. Are those suppose to be the criteria for choosing who to vote for in the Nigeria Presidential Election 2011! Oh my motherland. When will we wake up from dream and face reality. What we need as a nation is a man of purpose. A man that is committed to building our fatherland. What we need is a man that is ready to serve, not one that wants to be served. What we need is a man that has a dream for Nigeria, not one that has a dream for his pocket!

Then Nigerian Entrepreneurs will be able to shout for joy! We will be able to create wealth that will place Nigeria in a vantage position among the nations of the earth. I have a dream, that Nigeria will be great. The Giant of Africa rise up and occupy the position of dignity in the continent of Africa. If Nigeria is a business how will we go about selecting the next Managing Director? I want your opinions on this one. Cheers.

What Is A Pyramid Scheme?

Tuesday, June 8th, 2010

A fellow Naija entrepreneur brought a business proposal to me, when he was told that the business proposed is a pyramid scheme he got offended. He defended the business as being legitimate because he has proof that it works! That incident gave birth to this post, “What is a Pyramid Scheme?”

What makes an investment a pyramid scheme? Why should you not join a pyramid scheme even though it seems to be running successfully and people are aggressively promoting it? Let’s start from the first question.

Definition of a Pyramid Scheme

Wikipedia defines pyramid scheme as follows “A pyramid scheme is a non-sustainable business model that involves the exchange of money primarily for enrolling other people into the scheme, without any product or service being delivered. Pyramid schemes are a form of fraud” Pyramid schemes are fraudulent investment. Several entrepreneurs all over the world have lost fortunes to such schemes thinking that they were getting into a lucrative investment program. A lot of Nigerian Entrepreneurs are being lured into such schemes because people are being deceived that they are legitimate investment plans. Ignorance is quite expensive.

Since you don’t want to lose your hard-earned income to any con-artist posing as an entrepreneur, you need to understand what a pyramid scheme is and why it is a no go area for any entrepreneurs that seeks to be successful.

Going by the definition given above, one can see that even though pyramid schemes appear as simple business opportunities, they are actual fraud in disguise. Pyramid schemes are presented to potential investors as a business opportunity with high rate of return with little or no effort after the initial contribution. This post seeks to explain what pyramid schemes are and how to distinguish them from genuine business opportunities.

Why is it called Pyramid Scheme?

This kind of investment fraud derives its name from the structure it has. Just like the name, pyramid schemes are usually structured like a pyramid. It starts with the originator who is on top, at the apex of the pyramid. This person recruits one or more people and ask them to pay some amount of money to join the scheme.

The amount requested can be as little as $5. The total money paid by the first set of recruits  goes to the  originator of the scheme. The recruits are then instructed to recruit other people under them. The new set of recruits will now pay the same $5. These payment will in turn go to the first set of recruits who paid the originator.   In some cases, the entire amount will be paid to the recruiter while in some, only a percentage pre-determined by the originator will be paid to the recruiter while the rest is paid to the originator. In order words, the recruiter will only get his initial investment back and get some profit by recruiting people into the scheme.

Lets use a very simple example to illustrate the point I’m trying to make (in real life it is never this simple, it is usually complex). Let’s assume the originator recruited 1 person, Mr A, who paid him $5. That person he recruited will be asked to recruit another person under him who will pay $5 also. That means the originator recruits A who paid $5 to join the scheme. Then A recruits B who also pay $5 to join the scheme. The payment from B goes to A, meaning that A has recouped his initial investment in the scheme. If A continues recruiting more people, he will be making more and more money without selling any product or service. He simply tells them his own “success story” and show them prove of payments he has received from the scheme! (In Nigeria, a copy of the cheque showing payment from the scheme is enough to convince many gullible entrepreneurs.  But is payment received from an investment really sufficient prove that an investment plan is legitimate?) Well, let’s not digress. This is not just about Nigeria. Let’s continue with the illustration.

Each new recruit is in turn required to enlist additional people. Each new recruit is obligated to pay the person who recruited them. This sounds so exciting bearing in mind that each member only pay once to the person who recruited them but can continue to make more money by recruiting new people into the scheme!

The scheme will continue until the base of the pyramid is no longer strong enough to support the upper structure. That means, it will be successful until there are no more recruit. At that point, you will be having several recruits who are unable to recoup their money because nobody wants to join the scheme anymore! Why will people stop joining when there is so much success stories from those that have been rewarded by the system?

The World Population is Finite!

The reason why a pyramid scheme cannot be successful forever is because irrespective of how long it may take a day will eventually arrive when there will be no more new recruits! Let’s assume for instance that the entire population of the Nigeria decides to join a pyramid scheme. How long do you think it will take before everyone becomes a member and there is no more people to recruit! Since the population has a fixed figure we are about 150million for now, (new births not withstanding) it simply means that eventually there will be no more recruit, so the last set of recruits will be stuck as there will be nobody to pay them. That is how people become victims in pyramid schemes.

Then it will dawn on them that even though they were deceived to believe that they will make money by joining the scheme, the fact that there was no product or service being sold means there is no wealth being created, so it is a matter of time before the entire system collapse . Why, simply because it is not sustainable! I get angry whenever I come across articles canvassing for Nigerians to join a pyramid scheme that is packaged to look like a lucrative investment opportunity.

Pyramid Schemes are Unsustainable!

The fact that a pyramid scheme cannot sustain itself as people are made to believe is a proof that it is a fraud in disguise! It is just a matter of time, somewhere down the line a group of people are bound to lose their money when the pyramid is no longer able to sustain itself. The victims are usually those at the bottom of the Pyramid. This kind of fraud is illegal in many developed nations, but in the third world countries, government rarely pay attention until it is too late and people have become victims.

Why Do People Join Pyramid Schemes?

It is all about getting rich quick. Too many people are attracted to the idea of making a quick buck with very little effort; many different forms of disguised pyramid schemes have succeeded in fooling people. Ignorance plays a major role. Often time, sincere people who are men and women of integrity actually promote such scheme thinking it is sustainable.

These armies of aggressive marketers are the one that go out to convince their relations, friends and colleague to embrace the scheme because they have proves in form of payments they have received from such scheme! The question a wise entrepreneur needs to ask is, can this scheme sustain itself forever, or there is a possibility of the whole system collapsing in the nearest future?

There are too many ways that con-artist can disguise pyramid scheme and present them as legitimate business opportunity. The onus lies on an entrepreneur to study and make research before committing into any investment opportunity. What is the business all about? What is the fund being invested in? What is the rate of returns? Answers must be provided to those questions before you commit yourself!

What about Multi-Level Marketing (MLM)?

Legitimate Multi-Level Marketing is not the same thing as pyramid schemes. Even though they have a form of resemblance, MLM involves being recruited in order to sell a product or service that actually has some inherent value. As a recruit, you can make a profit from the sales of the product or service, so you don’t necessarily have to recruit more salespeople below you before you can recoup your investment and make profit.

If it is impossible to recoup your investment in a Multi-Level Marketing program by just selling the product or service, unless you recruit new intakes, then it is not a legal MLM but a pyramid scheme in disguise. The simple difference between MLM and pyramid scheme is that MLM is about creating wealth by selling a product or service while pyramid schemes is about collecting money from recruits.

Pyramid Scheme MLM

A pyramid scheme MLM usually provide a product for sale. But such product will have no inherent or independent value of its own. Its value will be tied to the scheme and sales will only be possible to new recruits. For example, a report on activities of the scheme being sold to new recruit does not legalize a pyramid scheme. In this kind of pyramid scheme, you would be required to recruit new members into the MLM in order to make a profit from the product and keep the MLM alive. If joining the MLM is the only reason anyone would buy the products being sold, then it is not a legitimate MLM but a pyramid scheme being disguised as a legal MLM.

Chain Letters Pyramid Scheme

Chain letters pyramid scheme are letters sent via snail post or electronically soliciting that people contribute a small amount of money to the people on the list. The amount can be less than $1. The recipient is then asked to delete the first name on the list and then add his or her name before forwarding the letter to more people. The recipients are expected to repeat the process. If you ever do such, note that you are involving yourself in a pyramid scheme because you are asking people to give money with the promise of making money. Knowing too well that there will eventually be a time when some recipient of such letter will not be able to recoup their investment, it is a fraud!

Why You Shouldn’t Participate In Pyramid Schemes

Having seen how a pyramid scheme works, you will agree with me that irrespective of the way it is packaged and how successful it seems to be operating, it is a system built on lies and deception. People are made to believe that they can create wealth, get rich quickly, simply by joining an association that produces nothing! Wealth can only be created when you give out something that has value. The act of promising people money for recruiting others who are being giving the same promise is deceptive and illegal. It is obvious to one with a discerning mind that such promise cannot be kept. Some people along the line must become victims of the system.

As an entrepreneur, you should always ask question before parting with fund. Any business proposal must be researched and thoroughly examined. Not all that glitter is gold. It is not only the originator of a pyramid scheme that is engage in an illegal activity, all those that participate are equally liable and guilty of committing fraud. Are you participating in a pyramid scheme? If you’ve ever lost money in a pyramid scheme, kindly share your story in the comments section. Cheers.

Using Articles As Affordable Internet Marketing Tools

Wednesday, May 12th, 2010

How To Use Articles as Online Marketing Tools

Wondering how to promote your website or product with a shoe string budget, then you need to read this article on  using articles as affordable internet marketing tools to the end. It is an established fact that content is King. However, where the content is residing is an important factor that determines whether it will be featured in SERP  (search engine report pages) or not. If your website is new or unknown to the search engine spiders, whatever you write and post on the website may not be discovered by online surfers. So, it is actually content that is of good quality and has been discovered by online users that get crowned king.

If you’ve observed, search engines tends to give preference to articles hosted by popular article directories such as and  Often, if any of the highly rated article directories has an article for the searched item, it will most likely be displayed on the first page of the search engine report page. Guess what, you can use that to your advantage.

All you need to do is sit down and write a quality article that provides needed information about the product or need your website is focused on. After writing the article, take time to go through it and ensure that your keywords are evenly distributed within the content of the article while maintaining the natural communication tone. Note that some of the popular article directories moderate articles before publishing. If your article is considered as link bait because it has an overdose of particular keywords, it will be rejected and not published.

After writing the article, insert a link to your website in the resource box and give a little information about your website too. Some article directories will permit you to insert one or two links in the body of the article. In that case, I suggest you use your keyword phrase as anchor text to link back to a popular article on your website. This has several advantages which we will talk about later.

So, what is the catch? When keywords related to the articles you submitted are typed on search boxes of search engines, indexed websites containing articles with those keywords will be displayed. Since most of the popular article directories are already having a high pagerank with many of the search engines, you have a good chance of having your article turning up within the first and second page of the search engine report. (Note, this may not happen immediately, sometimes, it takes between three days or more before you start seeing the result.)

How to get your articles listed

Since you are not the only one submitting articles to the article directories, you need to understand that what turns up for a particular article directory will be the best the search engine feels that particular article directory has to offer. You can guess what happens, if there is a better article already submitted to the article directory on the same subject you wrote on, yours may not be presented.

Wondering how to tackle that? This is what I do. I simply search the article directory first before writing any article. When I’ve gotten the best article it has to offer on a particular topic, I take time to read the article and find out all the flaws I can get about the article. After all that I simply sit down and produce an article that is far superior in quality to the existing article on the directory.

After submission and the article is published, I go back and use social media like Digg, StumbleUpon, Reddit etc to promote the article. That way, it gets more focus within the article directory and is ranked higher than the existing articles.

When eventually the article turns up in the SERP, it will start generating traffic to your website in two ways. First, some readers will click the link in the resource box to visit your website. Also, some webmaster who are too busy to write articles for their site will post those articles on their website thereby giving you free link-back to your site.

What are the benefits of Using Articles As Internet Marketing Tools?

1. Articles are free promotional tools for internet marketing. The only possible cost you may incur is your time. Well, I took for granted that you already paid your Internet Service Provider. That’s it. All you need is your thoughts, your computer, and your hands. If you have those, nothing will stop you from typing words that will produce a high quality article for your internet marketing. Well, if you’re too busy or too lazy to write an article, then you may need to spend some cash by outsourcing to ghost writers who can do the job for you for some few dollars.

2. Articles are a sure way of making people know that your website exist. If you submit several articles of yours to article directories that get the most web traffic, you can be rest assured that in less than no time your website will get noticed by search engine visitors and visitors from the article directories.

your ranking on the SERP will go up..

3. Articles offers a free way of obtaining one way back links automatically. When you submit your articles to directories, surely, other websites will make use of your articles. If you have inserted links to your website in the resource box or the body of the article, you can be rest assured that this will cause your website to get higher ranking in the SERP thereby increasing search engine traffic to your website.

4. With Articles You Can Make Yourself an Expert In Your Niche. You can easily improve your online reputation by writing quality articles that presents you as an authority in your chosen field. As an Internet marketer, if you plainly display your products on your website, you will not gain much conversion rate. Conversion is when your traffic converts to sales. You have to show that you are knowledgeable on your field. People like listening and buying from people they consider experts. Articles have a way of showing you off as an expert in a chosen field. If your articles meet the need of the readers, they simply assume you know what you’re talking about. They won’t get to discover that you were only using materials freely available online to meet their need until you accept an interview with Oprah or Larry King. As long as you keep your profile low offline, nobody will discover that you were only recycling information.

Update: Don’t submit an article you have already published on your website to any article directory. Such action is counter productive, as you may get Penalized by some of the search engine for duplicate content.

Start Your Internet Marketing Campaign Now

There is no better time to start using articles for your online marketing campaign. Get into action now, make your creative juices flow as you start producing articles for your internet marketing campaign. I perceive you are already having some ideas popping into your heart as you read this, jot down those ideas quickly to jumpstart your article writing momentum. With those benefits listed above, I believe I’ve been able to motivate you to start using articles as your affordable internet marketing tools. I’ll love to hear your views in the comment section. Cheers.

Cost Effectiveness Of Internet Advertisement

Wednesday, April 21st, 2010

How effective is Internet Advertisement?

This topic aims at giving a short argument on the cost effectiveness of internet advertisement over the traditional method of advertising on electronic and print media. I decided to make this post because I observe that Nigerian Entrepreneurs are really not responding to the current shift from traditional advertisement on electronic media to internet advertisement. Many are still sticking to TV and Radio adverts despite the huge cost and the ineffectiveness of those media to capture the growing population of youth in Nigeria. With the advent of cheap internet connectivity in Nigeria, the youth are beginning to spend more time on the internet than they spend watching the local TV or listening to the local Radio stations.

It is an established fact that small and big entrepreneurs recognize the fact that effective advertisement can be a major determinant of a business’ success. Having a good product or service is not enough, such must be presented to the end consumer in such a way that their interest will be spurred up to give the product a trial. However, advertisement cost can be a real overhead-headache if not properly planned and managed. The cost of advertisement must be seen as a form of investment and the rate of return of investment must be pre-determined before implementation to ensure that the fund been expended on advertisement is justified.

An entrepreneur cannot be successful if he or she does not recognize the fact that human societies are dynamic. What worked yesterday may not necessarily work today. The mode of packaging and the advertisement media that were effective in the past decade are no longer holding their previous high rank. Gone are the days when TV and Radio advertisement were the most effective way of reaching consumers.

Advantages of Internet Advertisement

1. Low Cost Per Reach – This is the biggest advantage that internet advertisement has over the traditional advertisement via electronic or print media. The entrepreneur has several options that can be tailored to his or her peculiar business need. He can use text, audio, video, graphic or combination of one or two to package Affordable Internet Adverts targeted at a particular demography. The cost of such adverts will be based on response from potential consumers who are exposed to the internet advertisements. A good example of such is the opportunity provided by Google Adword whereby an entrepreneur can choose to only pay for adverts click by curious potential consumers. This can’t be compared to the cost of TV advert that is just a flat rate irrespective of impact on consumers.

2. Targeted Market – Internet Advertisement is best suited for having a laser target advertisement campaign that focuses on a specific category of consumer. It is easier to identify and provide adverts best suited for a particular demography when using internet advertisement. You can choose to show your internet advertisement to a particular continent, region, country, age group, class etc by using data already captured by search engines on the surfing habit of internet users. An entrepreneur may even have different sets of adverts to show to different categories of people. All these can be achieved without much effort and at an affordable cost. For example, you can choose to show a particular set of advertisement to those that are from the southern part of Nigeria while another set is shown to those that are from the Northern part of Nigeria. This is made possible by the data already captured by search engines.

2. Hassle Free Deployment of Advertisement – The advertisement project from Idea conception and packaging to the actual delivery of the advertisement can be outsourced. You don’t need to do it yourself if you don’t want to neither do you need to employ any staff to handle the tasks in house. The entire project can be handle online by a professional online marketing company. Also, the effect of the advertisement on your sales can easily be monitored from the comfort of your office or home. All you need is an internet connection via a computer or smartphone. Reports on advertisement performance is in real time. This makes it easy for you to judge in good time, which advertisement campaign is working and the one that is to be discountinued.

3. Advertisement Packages Can Be Updated Seamlessly – Unlike the electronic media advertisements that are difficult to change because of the cost implication, internet advertisement can be changed at minimal cost. Let use a practical example, if you make a video clip for a 60seconds advertisement on TV, the cost of producing the video clip will make it practically uneconomical for you to attempt to change the video clip one week after launch. However, for an internet advert, the cost of paying for new design could be negligible such that you can make changes to keep in tune with recent happenings. This particular advantage cannot be overemphasized. Internet advertisements are more flexible than any other form of advertisement.

Possible Disadvantages of Internet Advertisement

It won’t be fair to only point out the merit of internet advertisement without mentioning some shortfall that it presently have.

1. Market Scope – Presently, not all consumers can be reached via internet. Actually, there are some consumers that have no access to the internet yet, so such can only be reached via the traditional methods of advertising via the electronic and print media. For example, the lowest income group in Nigeria presently do not have access to internet. The average artisan in Nigeria towns and villages is not interested in taking his or her business to the internet because the consumers they serve have no business with internet. I can’t imagine the road side “roasted plantain seller” going to Google to advertise. Not that it is not possible to advertise “boole online” just that, the local consumer won’t search for “roasted plantain” in Google. They will simply search the street corners for “mama boole”. However, if Eko Le Meridian decides to place “boole” advertisement online while advertising its menu, it will yield positive result because their clientele consist of high income earners who uses the internet.

It therefore means that an entrepreneur must not embark on internet advertisement without first considering the audience he is targeting. Although most people now are into the use of technology, i.e. surfing the Internet, still, majority of the average consumers still relies on the old form of advertising as a means of gathering information about certain products and services, so an entrepreneur has to take this into consideration.

2. Need to Learn How Internet Advertisement Works – Without proper understanding of how internet advertisement works, an entrepreneur can run into huge overhead cost by employing internet advertisement wrongly. Even though an internet advert package cost $0.01 per click (N1.50 per click) that multiply by 1,000,000 clicks is a huge overhead that can wreck a small scale business.

Ignorance can be very deadly for a business online because things happens fast and often the effect of an error is irreversible. Before buying an internet advertisement package, get all the information you can and ask questions until you are satisfied that you understand fully what you’re getting into. You won’t want to have 1,000,000 clicks at $0.01 cost per click that produce $5 dollars worth of sales. That will be simply disastrous. But it does happen. Several online businesses have folded up because of such error. Never forget that little drops of water makes the mighty ocean. The internet has millions of users online, not all are useful to you. An advert package that attracts the wrong set of consumers will earn no revenue while at the same time it digs holes into your pocket. Never use the Nigerian idea of joining the bandwagon when deploying internet advertisement. You will only regret your action.


The aim of Internet advertisement is to offer the widest range or maximum exposure of your product or service at the least possible cost. That can only be achieved when you know what you’re doing. I strongly advice that you employ the service of tested professional firms with track records and good testimonials to handle your internet advertisement. That way the cost effectiveness of internet advertisement will be glaring as your business revenue soars. Cheers.