How Do I Withdraw Money From My AlertPay Account?
I wrote about AlertPay sometime ago in a post titled How to receive Payment Online. AlertPay, which is a Canadian Online Payment Processing Company, is a competitor to the widely known PayPal Online Payment Processor. PayPal has refused to allow many African Entrepreneurs (especially Nigerians) to use its facility in conducting business online. Their reason being that those nations harbor SCAM Artists (I wonder if PayPal action can be justified as being fair, since every nation has their own set of black-sheep).
I strongly encourage African Entrepreneurs, especially Nigerian Entrepreneurs to subscribe to AlertPay service. Opening an account with them is free. You only pay fees when you are withdrawing or spending money from your account. This is similar to the bank charges that local banks takes for providing you with their service. You can get your free AlertPay Account by clicking any of the links or the banner below.

Free AlertPay Account
Well, AlertPay has proved to be a good competitor and they allow African Entrepreneurs including Nigerians to do business online using their payment processing facility. Of recent, I have received mails and IM’s requesting to know how an African Entrepreneur can withdraw fund from the AlertPay account into a local bank account.
The answer is simple and can easily be found on their website at the following url (please, copy and paste url into your browser) However, for convenience sake, I will simply explain what is written there.
Depending on where you reside there are three (3) ways you can withdraw money from your AlertPay account.
1. You can request for a Check from AlertPay
You can then pay same into your domiciliary account with the local bank. All countries that are allowed to subscribe to AlertPay are eligible for this. In some countries, the cheque might take about 21days to get cleared.
2. You can request for a Direct Deposit into your local bank account
You can only use this method if your country of residence is eligible for such service. Please note that Nigeria is not eligible for such service. Only three countries in Africa are eligible, namely South Africa, Reunion and Mayotte.
3. You can request for Bank Wire Transfer
Almost all African Countries are eligble for this, except Republic of Congo.
I do hope this brief explanation puts to rest the fear of my fellow African Entrepreneurs who want to know How they can withdraw Fund from AlertPay into their local bank account. You can get free updates to this article How to Transfer Fund from AlertPay and other Small Bsuiness Survival Tips by subscribing to Nigerian Entrepreneur RSS FEED, it is free. See you at the top, Cheers.
Update: Please note that AlertPay was bought over by Payza in March, 2012. Payza offer the same service AlertPay was offering and much more.