Archive for April, 2008

The Million Blog List & Wiki Blog Directory

Wednesday, April 16th, 2008

I have often wondered how many blogs actually exist online (just curious). Some claim there are over 70million (that sounds like a very huge figure). While surfing today, I discovered that I am not alone. Some people have decided to find out how long it will take to get 1,000,000 blogs to list themselves on their site, Million Blog List. That to me is a herculean task.

Well, since it cost me nothing to get listed, I hopped in and listed NaijaEcash, it is number 390. From there I also visited their wiki site Wiki Blog Directory and listed NaijaEcash for free. If you are a newbie looking for traffic, I will suggest you try this out. I am positive that it will do no harm. It might possibly do some good. Remember it is free.

When you are through checking it out, I will like to hear your view. Who knows you may teach me something I never knew. Thanks in advance!

Network With Your Peers – Stop Bootlicking!

Tuesday, April 15th, 2008

As a newbie blogger, it is natural that you may have little or no audience with the big shots in your market niche. 🙁 Instead of running around the big shots trying to catch their attention you will be better off building relationship with your peers 🙂 . Start making friends with bloggers who are newbies like yourself, they are in need of friends just like you, so you will not need so much effort to catch their attention. They tend to be more friendly and willing to reciprocate love.
When I first started blogging (Saved By Jesus), I wanted desperately to establish links with well known bloggers. I embarked on what is commonly refer to as “bootlicking”(I visited the famous blogs daily, and put so much effort in dropping quality comments in a bid to catch the attention of the blogger). After some months, I got angry because all the effort brought no result whatsoever. Later, I read some tips given by Yaro Starak, I applied it and lo and behold, I discovered that it works. Now I have friends online who relate to me as their peer. They show me so much respect. Every visit I make to their blog is reciprocated eventually, if not immediately. And you know what, the circle is growing. I even have someone who wants me to be his mentor (quite interesting, considering the fact that I am a newbie myself) 😉 . (more…)

Site Statistics Can Ruin The Fun Of Blogging

Monday, April 14th, 2008

Constant checking of your site statistics can ruin the fun of blogging. If you look at the statistics frequently enough, it will change your attitude towards blogging. When the graph is climbing up, you will feel on top and naturally more ideas will flow, however when it starts going down, you may suffer writer block. The ideas seems to cease and you feel like packing up the blog.

So is it wrong to check the site statistics? No, that is not what I mean. I just want to point out that the daily movement of your site statistics should not be allowed to discourage you from working towards your goal.

I have observed that every blog or website, no matter how popular, suffers the same fluctuations in site statistics. Ask successful bloggers, they will tell you that some days, week and months are better than others (sometimes the fluctuation has no correlation with the quality of posts on your site).

A post that did not receive attention when you wrote it may suddenly become a traffic puller because its content addresses an issue that is currently among the hot topics in the blogging community.

However, you need to study the trend being shown by the statistics at least once a week so that you will know what the trend has been like. The statistics is meant to be a tool (for improving on your effort), not a verdict on the success or failure of your blog!

If you have a goal and you are working on it, then you are already succeeding. It does not matter if Google Analytics, Alexa, FeedBurner and other statistic tools think otherwise. 🙂

Are You Meeting Your Wife’s Emotional Needs?

Sunday, April 13th, 2008

I have been away for almost five days and I really missed my family. It was a great releive when I return to their warm embrace. The physical absence kind of create a sharp awareness of their wonderful roles in my life. I needed no one to remind me to say over again and again to my wife “I love you?”

But do we need to wait until such occasions before saying the words “I love you” or other nice words they are itching to hear? I read this article (author unknown) and I want you to go through it too.

How Husbands Can Emotionally Meet Their Wives’ Needs

When did you last tell your wife, “I love you?” When did she last hear those words that are music to her ears-“I really do need you”? Have you recently told her, “Honey, I think you are a really good mother for our children?”

The vast majority of wives are starving for verbal affirmation from their husbands. And most men are so thoughtless and insensitive that they will not give their wives what the wives desperately want and deserve.
We husbands gladly encourage our wives to buy food and grudgingly encourage them to buy clothes, but most who come to counseling just cannot dig deeply enough to give complimentary words. So, marriages are unfulfilling, wives feel unappreciated, and many marriages wither and die.

Husbands, speak up! God expects you, as the head, to do more than provide financially for your wife. He wants you to also provide for her emotional well-being. Whisper it, write it, or shout it-just get those words of affirmation to the ears of your wife.

Hey, go ahead and do it now! If she is not around, call her on her mobile. Write it on a post it and stick it in the kitchen, bathroom anywhere. Do it today! She deserve much more and you know it (you will be doing yourself a great favor if you do this 😉 ) Have fun!

You Too Can Become A Successful Blogger

Saturday, April 12th, 2008

An average newbie blogger dreams of having a blog that receive thousands of visitors per day and earns 6digit incomes every month. Every new blogger wants to be like JohnChow, ShoeMoney, Yaro Starak etc. We want to be successful. We want to be famous in the blogosphere. What does it really take to achieve this?

Some assume that successful blogges were just lucky or genuies who possess extraordinary abilities. This is far from the truth. There is nothing extraordinary about successful bloggers. (A little research on their state in prior years before they became famous will confirm this) Rather they are just ordinary guys doing extra ordinary things because they have the right attitude, the needed blueprint and strong determination to persist until the goal is accomplished.  

For an individual to succeed in any human endeavour, he must have confidence in himself. If you believe you can, then you can. If you believe you cannot then nobody will be able to help you achieve anything.

It is a well established fact that knowledge is required. Without the right blueprint you will not be able to coordinate resources at your disposal to accomplish your goal.

Also, persistency is indispensable. Keep at it until you get what you want. It does not matter how many times you fail. Just keep at it until you get that one success that will make the difference. Remember, winners never quit, and quitters never win. A little research will show you that some of those bloggers we consider famous today were unknown five years ago. However, their personal belief and strong determination have earned them a place in the hall of fame.

So, get your attitude towards your online business right. Stop thinking about all the reason why you cannot accomplish your set goal and start thinking about all the reason why you can set a new record.Get all the help you can to acquire a blueprint that will enable you coordinate your efforts. Make up your mind to keep working at your goal until your dream becomes a reality. See you at the top!