Are You Willing To Sell Your Blog?

I have been reading some articles on how to generate money online. Out of the lot that I read, the one that struck a note is that written by Yaro Starak (it is no secret that he is one of my online mentor). He suggested that one of the way to generate income online is to develop a website, grow it and then sell it off.

From the profit angle, it sounded like a wonderful idea (after all said and done, an entrepreneur wants profit!). However, I have been finding it difficult to answer in the affirmative that I will be willing to offer up my blog for sale. I have become emotionally tied to it (I learnt that is bad for business). Well that is the truth. Maybe when someone eventually make a good enough offer (an offer too good to be turned down) I might be willing to part with the blog for hard cash. For now, the blog is still been developed, so I am not expecting any offer! 😉

Are you willing to sell your blog? Are you willing to exchange the relationships tied to the blog and all other benefits you have been enjoying for CASH! I sure will love to hear your views. Cheers.

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11 Responses to “Are You Willing To Sell Your Blog?”

  1. You answered the question yourself! As an entrepreneur, you are in business to start up business, nuture it to grow and what next (?) make profit out of it.

    Moreover, making money while in business may come in two facets; one as an end and the other as a means to it. Sell and get to the end (money) or keep running it. Either way, you are in the game, making money and profit.

    As for emotional attachment, only you can deal with it. I hope you can strike a good balance between passion and emotion.

    Selling a blog, why not before the blog there was something and after it who knows? Bring on the offers!!!

  2. ben says:

    i read your article and i will only sell my blog if the price is right.i dont have a very wonderful blog yet and i want to ask you,how do i get a blog like yours,i mean one with a .com and not like anticipate to hear from you soon.


    bens last blog post..Mind Blowing Facts About Google Adsense

  3. Carl says:

    I’d happily sell mine at the right price, but I doubt anyone will make an offer, blogs don’t sell well generally because the new owner would have to continue to write in them to keep traffic up. Most professionals who buy sites prefer to buy static sites, forums, MFA sites, and general blogs don’t do so well.

    Carls last blog post..Its Feria Season in Andalucia

  4. NaijaEcash says:

    Thanks pal. I got that, I have to distinguish between PASSION and EMOTION. I guess you’re telling me to be passionate about my blogging but not tied emotionally to the blog ‘cos it is a business. Thanks for sharing.

    Thanks ben. I will get in touch via email. It is easy to get a blog like mine, it doesn’t cost much 😉

    Hi Carl, it’s nice having you around again. Your comment is thought provoking. I agree with you that it will be easier getting a forum or static website sold than getting a blog sold. However, people still sell their blog. Well I will have that in mind. Maybe, I should start working on developing a forum which I will later sell. Do you love forums? Will you be willing to participate?

  5. beibee says:

    sure…why not?
    to pay off my debts!

  6. No matter how emotionally attached you are to your blog, every blog has a price. I bet you will pass this blog to me if I offered you 5 million naira. What you will be thinking of is starting off a new blog and how one-tenth of that money will be enough for your marketing budget for the new blog.

  7. NaijaEcash says:

    lol, you got me in a tight corner 😉 . Of course I will sell for 5 million naira (approximately $43,000). Both of us know that nobody will make such an insane offer for a new blog like this one. Maybe when the blog grows older with greater earning potentials someone will be willing to pay such. 😉

    Thanks for visiting and contributing to the discussion. Cheers.

  8. tyna says:

    I am thinking that with the right offer I’ll sell and start another
    its a hobby to me but if it is going to bring me money,how can i refuse? It is like an artwork that you put so much emotion in creating,then sell it for a price.Since i am an artist yes i will sell.

    tynas last blog post..2008 Spring festival

  9. NaijaEcash says:

    Thanks tyna. Nice one, “it is like an artwork that you put so much emotion in creating…” I think that settled it.
    It is nice getting the reactions of my friends on this issue.

  10. […] that dropped into my head and my fingers started flirting with the keyboard, at the end, the post “Are You Willing to Sell Your Blog?” was added to my ramblings (I was actually addressing the king makers – my friends). The response […]

  11. everything has its price.
    if YouTube could sell, why not me.
    anyway like you said, our blogs are still being developed.
    i am some how attached to them but if manchester united can sell david beckam, i can sell my blogs

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