What Online Business should I Start, please I need Ideas?
Does that question sound familiar? Of course, that is the question so many folks are asking. The most common request new entrepreneurs make online is suggestion on profitable online business ideas to start. The forums and social network websites are full of such requests . Millions of internet users are searching online for business ideas that they can implement to generate residual income. Online businesses seems to be coping better during this economic recession than the traditional businesses. Well, that is my personal observation, let’s get back to the aim of this post. I intend to share with you some hot online business ideas you can implement.

Online Business Ideas
The beauty of some of these ideas is that they can actually be run as internet home based business. That is not to imply that they are meant for work at home mummies alone or the unemployed. It will do no harm if you have some extra bucks beside the fixed income from your paid job. Some of these ideas can actually be developed into small online businesses that are capable of recruiting staff (that means, you can eventually Fire Your Boss and Hire Yourself Some Staff!). Some of the internet marketers currently making waves online started their business from their homes. Their first staff were members of their immediate family who lend helping hand out of solidarity. You can achieve the same feat! You heard me right, you too can become a successful entrepreneur, an employer of labor.
I’ve come across several internet marketers promising to sell 101 hot ideas on online business or best online business ideas for some dollars. If you are not too lazy to do a little research online yourself, you can do without those packages. I can authoritatively say that you do not need so many internet home business ideas, you only need one good online business idea and the sheer determination to turn your dream to reality. Of course your passion as an individual is what determines the best internet business you should start. I addressed this issue in a post, The Best Online Business To Start.
I also wish to disabuse your mind from assuming that the only successful online business idea is that of becoming an affiliate marketer or earning peanuts via Google Adsense placed on some crappy website (I don’t mean to be rude, just trying to drive the point home). Beside affiliate marketing and Google Adsense there are other great online business ideas that you can implement as a newbie entrepreneur. My personal policy is to engage in any legitimate online business that will give me residual income. I am careful to only implement ideas that can run as a system without me being tied down. I don’t want another job. I want a business that runs on its own. So, I avoid crazy online business ideas that aims at turning human beings to clicking or surfing robots. Sitting behind a screen and clicking for hours just to generate $5 dollars is a stupid online business idea as far as I’m concerned. Look at it this way, how many clicks will it take for you to generate $100,000 per year? If the answer is mind boggling, then it is a pointer that it is not the right online business strategy for you to implement.
Ok, enough of the ramblings, lets look at some top online business ideas for you to kick start your entrepreneurs journey. They may not be rated as the best online business ideas and opportunities, but you can be rest assured that anyone with access to the internet and a little determination can use any of these ideas to build a home based business or a part-time business that has the potential of recruiting staff in the nearest future. Note, these are not new online business ideas, but they have been tested and proven by veteran internet marketers and webpreneurs.
10 Online Business Ideas
1. Online Secretary – You can offer services as a virtual secretary to busy executives.
2. Online Tutoring / Internet Trainer – Online Tutor and trainers are becoming common.
3. Online Desktop Publishing – A little knowledge of word processing and one or two graphic software will put you into business.
4. Infopreneur – You can package information and sell online to people who need such information. That is what ebooks are all about.
5. Online Consultant – Are you a professional? Expert in a particular field? Turn your years of experience into a money minting machine by providing consultancy online.
6. Online Unique Party Organiser – Hey, some of us are not just good in getting things organized. If you are a good planner, you can offer your service for money.
7. Website Designing – Get in touch with the owner of crappy websites and offer to redesign for them at a cheaper rate. You can get serious jobs if you can package a presentation to convince those entrepreneurs that are yet internet shy to establish an online presence for their business.
8. Internet Researcher – you may not believe it, but some folks consider Googling as too much work. If you love searching for information online like Shelock Holmes (a freelance detective 😉 ) this business idea will suit you.
9. Online Book-keeping Services – Are you a trained book-keeper or accountant? You can help many folks that are getting into trouble with the Tax Authority as a result of muddled up books. You can employ the use of telephone calls, instant messenger and email to get their transaction details while you prepare a professional book of account for them for a fee.
10. Ebay Seller – Do I need to explain this? You or someone close to you must have bought something from EBay before. Go into your attic and look around, you will be surprised that there are items lying down there that you can sell for some little money on Ebay. By the time you exhaust that, you can go to GrandMa or Friends Attics and help them dispose off (at a profit to yourself) all those old toys, books, magazine, music CD/DVD etc.
This post is getting too long, so I have to stop here. I’m planning to give greater details on how to implement some of the online business ideas mentioned above in my subsequent posts. However, if you love playing Shelock Holmes, you can get information by conducting a little research on any of them using the free search engine, Google! I encourage you to bookmark this page to Delicious so that you can return to it later. You can get the future updates to this post Online Business Ideas by subscribing to my RSS feed. The subscription is free. I look forward to feedback from you through comments. If you need any assistance don’t hesitate to make a request. See you at the top. Cheers.
Tags: Affiliate Marketing, Business, Business Ideas, Business Tips, Make Money Online, Online Business Ideas, small business
Well i must say all of this sound so enticing, interesting and above all mind blowing. i will critically look into all of it and get back to the site. thanks
Well i must say all of this sound so enticing, interesting and above all mind blowing. i will critically look into all of it and get back to the site. thanks
Oops…forgot to say great post! Looking forward to your next one.
Nice one again.
But pls, can u do us a favour by listing sites where one could find such oppotunities as a virtual secretary, online consultant, infopreneur etc.
Good ideas… I wish this list contained 50 or more 🙂
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Its a nice one!
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I am Daniel and will like to learn from you.you have a very good explanation of how to make good home business.i will like you to continuous with your good works.Thank you.
Great ideas . Can you give an example of infopreneur Any such site selling useful information?
your business ideas are great! thanks for sharing!
I have alway tought of what i can trade on,i sometime wonder if i should go into repackaging of existing product adding colours and beauty to finish the products
great job. i love your post and sure every nigeria who wants to own a business would love to look at. but i would love you to expand more on how one start cos they sound really interesting like thing you need and contact of existing business owner to talk to.
The internet has a lot to offer(in terms of money) and Ebay selling is one of the most preferred “Work at home” ideas.
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I want to start an worldwide online pharmacy .Do you have any idea about that.
If you have any idea please tell me and mail me on my given email id: kanit.sharma@yahoo.com
looking for your warm reply.
[…] basis so as to complement the income from their 8-5p.m income. Well, there are a thousand-and-one internet business opportunities out there. It takes business skill and persistence to succeed […]
It,s a good information, so how do i get started
Please please please am a student i want to go into online business but i don’t have a start up capital. Please teach me. Please message via my email add
[…] basis so as to complement the income from their 8-5p.m income. Well, there are a thousand-and-one internet business opportunities out there. It takes business skill and persistence to succeed […]
Please i am interested. I need to know more via my email. Thanks and how do i get started?
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<p><br /> You heard me right, There is no Google Adsense Magic Package! I know there are so many success stories of Google Adsense Publishers making waves online. The stories are quite interesting and tempting. Savvy online marketers are us…
Online Business Ideas…
<p><br /> In the few years that I have worked online as an online entrepreneur, one area that many newbie entrepreneur have requested for my help is in getting Online Business Ideas. Many folks want ideas on the kind of online business they…
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Good site love to learn from you guys
[…] basis so as to complement the income from their 8-5p.m income. Well, there are a thousand-and-one internet business opportunities out there. It takes business skill and persistence to succeed […]
[…] basis so as to complement the income from their 8-5p.m income. Well, there are a thousand-and-one internet business opportunities out there. It takes business skill and persistence to succeed […]
[…] basis so as to complement the income from their 8-5p.m income. Well, there are a thousand-and-one internet business opportunities out there. It takes business skill and persistence to succeed […]
[…] basis so as to complement the income from their 8-5p.m income. Well, there are a thousand-and-one internet business opportunities out there. It takes business skill and persistence to succeed […]
[…] basis so as to complement the income from their 8-5p.m income. Well, there are a thousand-and-one internet business opportunities out there. It takes business skill and persistence to succeed […]
[…] basis so as to complement the income from their 8-5p.m income. Well, there are a thousand-and-one internet business opportunities out there. It takes business skill and persistence to succeed […]
Nowadays, you must be super creative to have a good business idea that works.~;`
[…] basis so as to complement the income from their 8-5p.m income. Well, there are a thousand-and-one internet business opportunities out there. It takes business skill and persistence to succeed […]
[…] basis so as to complement the income from their 8-5p.m income. Well, there are a thousand-and-one internet business opportunities out there. It takes business skill and persistence to succeed […]
i will like you to enlighten me about google adsense? how does it work and is it ok for someone in Nigeria to go into it and how can i get startted.
I will also like to know other internet business that someone can start with on part time basis.
thank you.
i will be expected your speed response fast
my email is romebukkuyum@yahoo.com
Success is in your reach. You don’t need a complicated formula or have to be a genius you just have to work at. Follow this model and you may well be the next Internet success.
This is a GREAT article! I’m VERY impressed, I hope one day mine is as good!
I am trying to help people to get there on-line business going, and make them money also.
Keep up the GREAT work!
Evanino.com´s last blog post ..Get your Internet Career Going!
[…] basis so as to complement the income from their 8-5p.m income. Well, there are a thousand-and-one internet business opportunities out there. It takes business skill and persistence to succeed […]
internet businesses are still on the rise as the users of internet grow each year
Online business are great but it is hard to start and succeed in it
i ran out of business ideas, but i mostly invest on stuffs related to food and real estate
But those are great business ideas. People can’t stop eating irrespective of the state of the economy. So any business idea that caters for the need of people as relates to eating has great opportunities. Also, real estate still offer great business opportunities.
[…] basis so as to complement the income from their 8-5p.m income. Well, there are a thousand-and-one internet business opportunities out there. It takes business skill and persistence to succeed […]
online business is one of the best thing to engage with, it is quite easy to market products on the internet
[…] basis so as to complement the income from their 8-5p.m income. Well, there are a thousand-and-one internet business opportunities out there. It takes business skill and persistence to succeed […]
[…] frοm thеіr 8-5p.m income. Well, thеrе аrе a thousand-аnd-one internet business opportunities out thеrе. It takes business skill аnd persistence tο succeed […]
[…] basis so as to complement the income from their 8-5p.m income. Well, there are a thousand-and-one internet business opportunities out there. It takes business skill and persistence to succeed […]
[…] basis so as to complement the income from their 8-5p.m income. Well, there are a thousand-and-one internet business opportunities out there. It takes business skill and persistence to succeed […]
[…] basis so as to complement the income from their 8-5p.m income. Well, there are a thousand-and-one internet business opportunities out there. It takes business skill and persistence to succeed […]