Nigeria: Good People, Great Nation
Ok, Nigeria is Re-branded, what next? Yesterday in Abuja, President Umaru Yar’Adua unveiled and launched the logo and slogan of the New Nigeria. The slogan is “Nigeria: Good People, Great Nation” while the logo is simply the word Nigeria with two letters modified. The first “i” is replaced with a tick having a dot on top of it and the last “i” has a small map of Nigeria in place of the usual dot.

Nigeria Good People Great Country
I guess the President was reading the mind of Nigerians when he encouraged the citizens not to view the campaign as another ceremony or exercise in futility. He encouraged every Nigerian to be committed to the regeneration of the country.
Even though I am not a fan of the government, I must commend the effort of the government to do something about our battered image as a nation. We have often been misrepresented by a few greedy, good-for-nothing bad eggs, who portray the entire nation as a den of fraudsters! I do hope that everyone that looks at the new logo will identify with the “i”. For me it places the responsibility of creating a new Nigerian on each of us. I see myself as the “i” that has to bring into reality the New Nigeria.
Ok, having reminded you that I am Proudly Nigerian, I wish to propose an additional slogan to go with the first one. Here is my proposal, whenever a Nigerian greet another with the slogan “Nigeria: Good People, Great Nation” I recommend that the response should be “Nigeria: Good Leaders, Great Nation”. That way, we will remind ourselves that in as much as we desire a healthy body, we must also ensure that the head is healthy!
It is time to demand that our Leaders be men of integrity who are always ready to give account of their stewardship. Our leaders should be public servants not demi-gods who are free to flout the Rule of Laws and use ill-gotten wealth to pervert justice. The President should ensure that EFCC, ICPC and other bodies responsible for combating corruption are allowed to do their jobs without undue influences from the Nations corridors of power.
It is undeniable that a leader must lead by example. It is sickening to note that politics is currently viewed by many Nigerians as the most lucrative venture. A school drop-out who cannot afford to eat three square meals can suddenly become a multi-millionaire via election or selection into a public office. This singular fact has discouraged many honest Nigerians and lured many to venture into illegal activities. It is time for the leadership of this country to clean up the logs in their eyes so that their can see well to clean the speck in the citizens’ eyes.
So the equation is not complete as it is. It should be Great Nation = Good People + Good Leaders. No matter how much we Nigerians try to build a New Nigeria, if we continue to allow unqualified and corrupt persons to occupy the positions of authority, we will keep on having the same bad result.
There must be leadership by example! It is time to start minding who gets elected into public office right from the Ward Level. Great leaders who value good name above gold and silver have done wonders for their nations. History testifies of such. Also, Ghana which is our neighbor serves as a good example of this fact. It is time for all Nigerians to stand up and shout “Nigeria: Good Leaders, Great Nation”
Yes, the next step is to Re-brand Our Leaders or Re-Package Our Leaders …. (well the politicans will know the best phrase for this). If you enjoy this post, do me a favor, spread the news! Digg it, Stumble it. Link to it and drop your comments 😉 Cheers.
Tags: Great Leaders, Great Nations, Leadership, Nigerian
Good post. i enjoyed your article. it is true that our leaders must be re-branded and revolutionized, then it become easier for their follower to be re-branded.
Good post. And I agree with your view and your commenter’s view regarding re-branding leadership.
In addition what immediately comes to mind is the example set by Barack Obama and his Change America campaign that put him in the White House. His was a grassroots campaign, it was a BOTTOM – UP campaign. What this announcement feels like to me is another “decree” issued from the top, another TOP – DOWN initiative.
To effect change that is long lasting, the citizens need to feel a sense of OWNERSHIP. It would have been more effective to launch a series of quiet advertising campaigns at the grassroots before revealing the broad, national logo, which in my mind may bubble at the surface for a short while before dying out ; and the typical Nigerian will say “government don come again with their ye-ye decrees.”
@Mama Shujaa
That has been my argument. A LEADER is meant to LEAD by example, not cheap TALK! To the best of my knowledge, we will make better progress even without re-branding if all the thieves of yester-years are brought to book so as to discourage those currently looting the treasury. Thanks for visiting my blog.
Hi guys,
It’s nice to see that your government has finally decided to try and re-brand your nation’s image. We know it’s a good gesture – but does that translate to better quality of life for the average Nigerian?
The reason I asked is because I have a few Nigerian friends, and their stories have always been the same: corruption, deceit and lack of responsibility and accountability from the government.
I must tell you, re-branding is nothing if not followed with a real action from the top as Mama Shujaa nicely noted above. At least your leaders should start treating you people as human and stop acting as though it is their right to loot and they have to answer to no body.
We’re in 2009 people, but it does look like you guys are still in the 1960s….
Well, let’s see how the new re-branding translates in the near future.
Helen Hunts last blog post..Professional Android Application Development
We as a people are very current, however, our leaders insist on using archaic system that has never worked. That is why we are advocating Good Leaders, Great Nation 😉
Thanks for visiting.
@HelenHunt: OUCH! The truth hurts!
Nigeria’s problem has been that the populace is always about one kilometer ahead of the rulership (not leadership, mind you). There are reputable Nigerians in the forefront of technology all over the world and the Nigerian government could not even have a website for its ‘re-branding’ efforts. Its that sad.
Thanx for telling it as it is though.
Yes, it is true that we need a re-brand of Nigeria. But it must first start from the head. i.e, from the president, then his cabinet members before it can get to masses. for how can the body be good when the head is bad? they should learn to call a spade a spade & not try to device means of loading their own purse in the name of re-branding Nigeria. We are looking forward to seeing a government we can trust. GOOD PEOPLE, GREAT NATION.
wre are looking forward to seeing a government we can trust in Nigeria. GOOD PEROPLE. GREAT NATION.
Nigeria is one country where anything can happen and nobody cares. We are a People that say what we can’t practice, yet we want the next door neighbor to do and practice. Our leaders only politick with the welfare and, therefore, wellbeing of those who voted them into power. I agree with the equation: Great Nation = Good people and Good leaders. If not, nothing like being GREAT!
This re-branding thing is putting the cart before the horse.
Re-branding Nigeria, a charade…
I have stayed away from commenting on this charade called Re-Branding Nigeria but now forced to share my candid thoughts as a result of what I just noticed on the web as being the official website of the Re-branding Nigeria campaign. Someone posting un…
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why did you suddenly got irritated to some people who linked to the website?You asked for it! Please see your last paragraph which read:
“……. If you enjoy this post, do me a favor, spread the news! Digg it, Stumble it. Link to it and drop your comments Cheers.”
Well, save yourself more pains by redressing this favor you asked for.
However, thanks Anthony, for the powerful post…but tell us how else to get it spread. ( One Nation).
@Anthony Gospel
Thanks for visiting. Yes I requested for links to the post (pingbacks) but I did not ask anyone to hotlink the image! Hotlinking an image will add to my bandwidth consumption. It is like asking me to pay another man’s bill!
I hope this little explanation has clarrify the issue. Cheers. 😉
[…] If EFCC is serious about helping to recover the non-performing loans, then they should start by querying the top government officials in those parastatals that are owing contractors. The accountant-generals, commissioners of finance etc of each state and local government should be asked to explain to the public why they are not meeting up with the contract agreement made with the local entrepreneurs. The truth be told, we will have a better Nigeria if our leaders believe in the slogan, Good Leaders, Great Nation! […]
Oluniyi David Ajao, you are wrong about the rebranding thing. By the way is Ghana really making any thing that your country Nigeria isn’t?
Whatever the case our re-branding thing should be given a chance.
well! let me say we Nigerian citizens are moving towards our glorious destiny gradually.
but mind you the reader “the beautiful once are not yet born”
quote me any how. bye! God bless nigeria!
Pleare i want good people, great nation poem
The logo looks impressive, actually it, looks great! Hope the branding will bring a change in attitude to the people. Cheers.
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If the masses refuse to sell their rights? If the leaders stop to oppress the people? Then we will have= A GREAT NATION.