Does your business create true wealth by building assets and adding real value to the society? Does your business create wealth from accounting entries? What really does your business contribute to the society? Please do not get me wrong. Services such as medical practice is considered as real value adding products in the context of this article. However, some activities adds nothing and yet they “demand” the lion share of the cake!

Accounting Entries
I just read an article written by PACE. It was a good read as it provoked me into deep thought about the activities of several business enterprises in Nigeria. I encourage you to read the article, Burble Burst or Wealth Re-distribution?
For some years now, the agricultural, manufacturing and other sectors in Nigeria have been struggling to survive due to poor infrastructures and other challenges that are almost insurmountable. Funny enough, the financial sector, especially the banking sector has been declaring astronomical figures as turnover and profits at the end of each financial year.

Real Sector Of The Economy
The question that comes to my mind is, where do they get the profit from? If the real wealth producing sectors that the financial institutions are meant to service are not doing well, where do the high profit come from? Well, PACE gave a wonderful analogy which explains the situation in layman terms. The banking and other financial institutes in Nigeria have been creating “fictitious money” through double accounting entries.
Yes, while the real asset producing sectors are dying, the bankers are getting wealthier by cheer double entry accounting. They are helping to create more debtors in the system, and guess what, the chunk of the liability is owed to the bankers. So while the manufacturers, the agriculturists, and other artisans are impoverished and struggling to survive, the bankers are getting richer.
Now I understand better, how they can afford to spend lavishly on Porsche cars, expensive mansions and other luxury while they actually add nothing to the real asset of the nation. If you are a businessman, and you have been hoping of striking it rich by using this method, the recent crash in the stock market should serve as a lesson to you. If the banking sector do not change their methodology soon and very soon the bubble will get busted and they will be in real trouble!
Get productive. Add real value to the society. Exploiting people’s ignorance to get rich quick cannot build you an enduring business empire. It is just a matter of time, the bubble will get busted. It is obvious to me that the banking sector in Nigeria are already heading for trouble. That is why they look for every avenue to charge for all manner of services that are meant to be free. If you have not noticed, they have cooked up all manner of transaction fees that are not approved by the Central Bank. The charges comes with funny names e.g. Ledger charges for the month!

Wealth By Debts
To the best of my knowledge, they have done nothing to help the Small and Medium Enterprises in Nigeria. Instead, they exploit their customers and help those who loot the national treasury cart away the nations wealth to foreign countries. I know my friends who work in those financial institutions won’t like this. But the truth must be told. Nigerian banks should create real wealth by helping the real sector to grow. Stop creating wealth by manipulating accounting entries!
Feel free to drop your view in the comment section. You don’t have to agree with me, who knows I might learn a tip or two from your view. Thanks for visiting.
naijaecash,your observations about Nigeria banking
industry and the entire financial system are in tandem
with my long time held view.
Because i have always observe that Nigeria banks
have not been responding to their primary duty.
which to be the lubricant to the Nigeria economy,
especially as regards making fund available to
productive sectors of the economy such as manufacturing agriculture,small and medium scale.
Rather than funding this sectors, they are busy giving
non-performing loans to importers and margin facilities
to stockbrokers,thereby aiding capital flight out of the
economy and bursting the capital market courtesy of margin
Just of recent the stockbrokers claimed they are owing
the Nigeria banks the sum of 1.5 trillion naira which
is now trapped in the stock market.
I am praying the appropriate authorities to start living
to their responsibilities.
So many of us who have gone to the banks with very good business ideas where turned down,even on investment grounds.It’s either the profits are not really profits but forgotten/trapped deposits or they are hiding something from shareholders.
[…] is your greatest asset as a business owner. Deal with clients honestly and insist that your employees do likewise. Never make a promise that […]
I own bullion assets in South East Asian Central Bank and want to sell the remainder of the contract for line of credit.
Worth of the asset is $10,052,872,045. and will take a fraction of the value that can be used for a corporate financial enhansment on financial statement in some cases.
Four years left on contract, mininum sale price is $4,000,000. in the form of a major bank line of credit.
Advise to e-mail above all responses confidential.
R. Byrnes