Posts Tagged ‘Tips and Tricks’

How To Deal With Information Overload

Tuesday, June 10th, 2008

How do you deal with information overload? I have more than three e-mail accounts. Each have suddenly become a terror and time stealer! Each day, there are several mails from opt-ins and newsletters that I have subscribed to at one website or the other. Some webmasters are inconsiderate; they send as much as two e-mails per week to me. Those e-mails cannot be called spam, because I requested for them, however, they are not helping me because they are too many and the information they provide does not justify the time I spend reading them. Why is this so? (more…)

How To Choose An Online Business

Saturday, March 22nd, 2008

Too many potential online entrepreneurs are waiting and praying for someone that sees tomorrow to tell them the perfect business that will turn them into a millionaire. They want to know the perfect business so that they will do it just right the very first time and become instant success.

Well, there is no such thing. Go ask the next door successful entrepreneur in your neighborhood, he will most likely tell you that:

  • Success comes from making good decisions (even a fool knows that)
  • Good decisions comes from good judgment (nobody will dispute that)
  • Good judgment comes from experience (I thought it is luck!)
  • Experience comes from several bad judgments (I don’t want to agree with that !???)

Welcome to reality. You need not be afraid of making bad judgment or failing! The only way to know if something will work is to try it! This does not mean you should foolishly and consciously start seeking for opportunities to make bad judgment. Rather it means you should seek for opportunities to succeed and try them. If they work, you have added to your experience, if they turn out as failure, you have learnt “how not to do business” 😉 and that will be an addition to your wealth of experience as an entrepreneur.

Several self-made entrepreneurs have offered guidelines that can help one in choosing the right business. I will share five with you.
