Posts Tagged ‘Business Ideas Nigeria’

Business Ideas For Nigerians 1

Monday, September 1st, 2008

Are you looking for business ideas for Nigerians? Have you been thinking about what business idea to invest in? Have you been wondering which business idea will give you the best rate of return? Well, I will give you a tip if you will answer the following questions:

  • What is the most traded commodity in this generation?
  • What is the most consumed commodity?
  • What is the most sought after commodity?
  • What is the most valued commodity?

If your answer to those questions is any tangible commodity like crude oil, precious stone or real estate, you are Wrong! The answer is SPECIALIZED INFORMATION! Yes, info-product is the commodity making many guys and gals into millionaires in this generation. Unlike physical commodities, it does not require huge capital to start. Often, you already have all it takes to launch your own info-preneur business. You only need to discover what you have and package it in a way that will make others pay for it. (more…)