Blog Comments – To Follow Or Not To Follow?

I have been a bit confused on which side to be in the controversial “DoFollow” and “NoFollow” debate. Each proponents have cogent reasons why their idea is the best for a blogger.

The term “nofollow” is an instruction to search engines such as Google that a hyperlink should not influence the link owner’s ranking in the search engine’s index. It is intended to discourage spammers, thereby improving the quality of search engine results. Unfortunately, it makes nonsense of the potential benefit that bloggers who drop comments on a site would have had since the links to their site adds no value to the popularity of their sites.
I read convincing points in the post of Mehul, I encourage you to read the full post (I do not want to reproduce the whole article here).

However, today after reading Jeff and Hardley Jane’s arguments, I have decided to join the “DoFollow” group.
In order to still take advantage of some of the points listed by the “NoFollow” group, I installed a plugin NoFollow Free that gives me some control on who I will allow to have a “DoFollow” and those I will deny. I will be experimenting with this decision for a month. If the result is undesirable, I will change and make an update to this post.

I sure will love to learn from your experience via your comments 😉 . Thanks for visiting. Cheers.

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One Response to “Blog Comments – To Follow Or Not To Follow?”

  1. Mcneris says:

    Follow is the bomb. This wind will blow over.

    Mcneriss last blog post..Sploggers: Spamming a Felony?

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